Chapter 20 - Destructive Method

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They probably carried me to the infirmary in a hurry. I was unconscious, but I could imagine everyone's concern when they saw my condition, I could imagine that cavernous face on All Might's frown with worry like every time I got hurt.

My consciousness kept going back and forth over and over again, catching lapses in conversation – Recovery Girl said she wouldn't be able to heal right away, would need surgery first, so she could remove the exposed bone fragments in my right hand, the one I most had broken with the flicks hand.

"Don't even think about praising her, All Might". I heard the voice of Recovery Girl. "I don't know the way you've been teaching her, but apparently it's not being the best. What is happening to her has to stop. With only 15 years and almost deformed the hand".

At that moment I felt no pain, I must have been anesthetized, my vision was also blurry from the medication, but I saw the outline of All Might's skinny hand and reached for it, putting the bandaged bun that was my hand against his.

"Please don't fight with All Might". I was crying. "It was my fault, I crossed the line. Todoroki was so sad, since the day I met him. I just wanted to help him. Wanted him to accept himself". I couldn't control the crying. All Might lowered my bandaged hand and squeezed my arm in concern.


It didn't even take all my mental faculties to know that All Might had been absurdly nervous to be seen like this, even if they didn't know who it was. His voice caught.

The door opened with a jolt that woke me up a little more.

"Midoriya!!" Uraraka, Iida and for some reason, Mineta, were at the door.

Uraraka looked down at All Might's hand holding my arm.

"Er... pleasure, I'm Uraraka Ochako. Are you Midoriya's father?"

It didn't even take all my mental faculties to know that All Might had been absurdly nervous to be seen like this, even if they didn't know who it was. His voice caught.

"My uncle," I replied, even if I wanted to lie that it was my father, it would be a difficult excuse to maintain. – And your next fight, Iida?

My heart was warm to see them there, but I would also like them to leave so All Might can rest easy.

"We were worried about you," Iida said. "And the arena was so destroyed that it will take some time to fix it. We're on a forced break".

"I'm sorry..."

Before either of them could respond, Recovery Girl started pushing them out.

"Come on, come on, you can talk after. Midoriya needs to undergo surgery".

Everyone exclaimed in surprise and concern, but they didn't have time to say anything else, as the door slammed in their faces.

"You too, All Might".

"Midoriya, I understand that I can't praise you, what you did with your own body was very inconsequential, but I believe that in a way, putting your nose where it wasn't called, worrying about the well-being and happiness of others is also a form of heroism. A form that moves a person from the inside out, and I'm sure you'll see how it touched young Todoroki's heart".

I cried again.

Recovery Girl also pushed All Might out. She waited for me to stop crying, which was not a short time, to fully sedate me for the surgery.

I don't know how much time passed, I couldn't open my eyes and my mind wasn't fully awake, but I imagined the surgery was over. I felt a kiss on my right hand, probably Recovery Girl, and then I lost consciousness again.

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