Chapter 10 - Extra

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POV: Bakugo
As the black mist covered us, I looked back towards Midoriya and saw her disappear into the darkness. I couldn't reach it. Soon I was also covered by darkness and felt an uncomfortable pressure that lasted for seconds. When I saw again, was falling. I used several explosions to slow the fall until I reached the roof of a building without any problem.

Falling into the Ruins Zone, several buildings destroyed around us, the guy with the red hair that stiffened hit the ground like a stone, made a hole in the ground and fell to the floor below. He had used his quirk. I looked around, just the two of us, with no fucking sign of anyone else. I took advantage of the hole in the floor and jumped. We were in a wide place of a destroyed executive building.

Villains began to appear from the elevator shaft and surround us. That was so annoying, I didn't have time to waste with them, I had to go to where Aizawa was, it was the most obvious place.

"Looks like we're going to have to defeat them, Bakugou" Said the spiky hair, what was his name again?

One of them who had a weasel face advanced towards me. It was shit, with just a few movements I grabbed his face and exploded, superficially burning him. Enough to make him pass out and get out of my sight. His companions weren't too difficult either. The spiky hair took a few punches without even feeling it, and when he fought back, he only needed one hit.

When villains stopped entering, there were already eight people passed out around us.

"I'm worried about the others, better look for them, Bakugo."

"Tsk, if you want, go alone. I'm going to Aizawa to kill that bastard with the blue hair".

Midoriya's voice asking if Aizawa would fight alone echoed through my head. I also wanted to kill the teleport bastard to stop their escape route, but at that time the other matter was more pressing.

"Dude, are you crazy? That one is definitely the boss, let's just get in the way, we need to find the others".

"You... br..." A villain got up and came at me, I turned my body to kick that bastard right in the middle of the rib, he fell back to the ground unconscious.

"Those are a bunch of useless people. They must be fine". I started walking towards the emergency exit.

"Wait, I'll go with you. I trust my friends and you're looking pretty manly, Bakugo!"

Manly? What the fuck was that? We started down the building.

"I thought you would go after Midoriya". He said as we ran, I straightened my shoulders. –"While she seems to be very strong, she also seems to be very fragile, right, with that strange quirk that hurts her. It must not be good for fighting. So, I think it's natural for our manly side to want to protect."

"Stop talking shit". I replied. That masculine thing again. "Strong" my ass!".

He was right, I didn't understand her quirk, but seeing how her body broke when using it and if I was really going to believe that shit received power... then really her body couldn't handle even 5 minutes of direct fight. And she still wanted to help Aizawa. How useless. First she had to look at herself.

That path seemed endless, when we left the Ruin Zone I could see, on lower ground, maybe 2km away, Midoriya and the boy half and half in the water watching Aizawa fight.

"Hey, is that Midoriya and Todoroki down there?" Kirishima pointed to the fake lake around the central area.

An irritation took over, I started to run towards them when the blue haired guy approached them, my mind was going to explode with anger. They were still a long way away, I saw Midoriya react with a punch, but she couldn't knock anyone down, obviously, that useless one didn't learn. The beast with the exposed brain tried to hit her, it was still so far out of range of my outbursts. The half and half pulled her into his arms and protected them with a barrier of ice that shattered, that wouldn't be enough.

A bang at the door. All Might has arrived.


Pov: Momo

Mist covered us and when I blinked we were in the Mountain Zone, me, Uraraka, Jirou and Kaminari. Some villains began to emerge from behind the rocks with sly smiles on their faces.

Uraraka's eyes widened and stared at her hands. Other people hadn't noticed, but she'd tried to cling to Midoriya at the exact moment we'd been sucked in.

"I couldn't do it again..." I heard her whisper as Kaminari's voice covered hers.

"How many! We need to defeat these villains. I'm trying to call for help, but something is blocking the signal" He said, putting his hand on the communicator he had over his ear.

"Don't you give shocks?? Electrocute them". Jirou dodged a villain's attack. I stretched out my arm and out of it came a metal staff. I hit another man who tried to approach us, there were exactly ten, counting quickly, they formed a circle cornering us.

"I can't! I can't control it and you would be hit too".

"You're useless". Jirou pushed Kaminari on top of a tall man who was electrocuted by the touch.

Uraraka was still unresponsive. Her hands were shaking slightly.

One of my greatest strengths was keeping my cool at times like this. And it was the most necessary in a risky situation. However, seeing her in this state caused me a certain discomfort and slight irritation.

A man with green skin and a mix of leather and social clothes came up behind her with amazing speed and lifted her by the waist. I had never created something so fast in my life, when I reached for both of them, a metallic spear shot out of the man and hit him in the shoulder, dropping Uraraka, I used the stick I was holding to hit him on the head and push him to the back.

"Hey, look at me". Uraraka stared at me, only then came to her senses. "She'll be fine, she's strong. First worry about yourself". My voice came out a little angrier than I'd ever heard it before.

"Sorry, Momo" She nodded with a determined tone of voice. "I'm an idiot, I need to focus on what's here now."

"Yes". I smiled at her. "Hey Kaminari, get ready to become the real pikachu".

I turned to Uraraka and slightly opened the middle of my clothes, she turned her face a little flushed. When I finished creating the cloth I threw it over myself, Uraraka and Jirou. Kaminari got the message and in the darkness of that shield I could hear all our enemies being electrocuted.


Pov: Iida

I ran with all my heart, my companions were struggling to survive at that moment. After the room was separated by the villain with the teleportation quirk, Nº13 held him for a few seconds so I could escape from there. Now I was running towards the school.

Be well, please.

Uraraka, Midoriya, don't do anything stupid.

My teammates' lives depended on how fast I was.

I, Iida Tenya would not let them down. Could not.

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