Chapter 3 - Extra - This all is so annoying

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POV: Bakugou

A few days after the incident with the villain, my life turned into hell, everyone on the street was pointing at me and whispering about being "the boy who was attacked" and at school nobody would shut the fuck up with a bunch of stupid questions.

However, that was not at all what bothered me the most. Midoriya had been acting weird and more annoying than before. She was keeping smiling at nothing with a certain hope in her eyes and murmuring things about training. I wanted to press her against the wall and have her wake up. Was she so full of herself for almost killing us both? Irritating.

Normally I would continue to try to make her realize how useless she was, as a favor, but every time I prepared to say something or maybe burn that shitty notebook again, I ended up stopping halfway there, remembering her crying trying to rescue me. It wasn't gratitude, and it wasn't an outrageous rage either, but it burned inside my stomach like something. So annoying that I preferred to just walk away. Soon it would be the entrance exam, it was better to focus on myself.

With each passing month it became more difficult to be quiet. Midoriya, the usual shitty geek, started getting scolded for sleeping in the classroom. She was more introspective, despite maintaining a tired smile for everyone. The classroom began to comment the changes. Also, her body ... she was really training. Before, it looked like I would end up breaking her if I took her arm. Now...

At lunchtime I went to the terrace with Susumo and Tatsuo, the same ones from that day of the attack, they talked about something that I didn't pay attention to. The school was still shit, they still hadn't forgotten about that attack and the conversations were so tiring that I got used to being quiet around so many break-ins.

"Are you tired of Midoriya, Bakugou?" Asked Susumo.

"True, since the incident I never saw you two talking again." Tatsuo reached into his pocket, the bastard was going to get a cigarette, for sure.

"That useless is not worthy of my time, I need to concentrate for the entrance exam."

"So, you don't mind if I ask her out, right? Man, she looks hotter every day." As imagined Tatsuo took a cigarette from his pocket and lit it.

"Some folks from the basketball team said that one of these days they saw her sleeping on the gym stairs and you could even see her panties."

"Woow, did they take pictures? I would love to see."

Before Tatsuo took the first drag, I propelled my arm back and with the urge to swing it forward I launched a strong enough explosion to launch them onto the wall of the terrace door. Everything came out a little stronger than I expected, sometimes the explosion would respond in a way that correlated with the anger I felt.

"I already told you not to smoke with me along." I yelled.

It was useless, those two were assholes with no future. There was no reason to waste time with them. They both said nothing as I left the terrace.

Obviously, I got "scolded" by the teacher that day:

"I will not give you a formal warning to not hinder your entry into the U.A., for sure you will have a bright future and in any case those two were problematic. But avoid doing this again at school."

I laughed internally. Obviously, I was too incredible to fuck myself because of them, even the teacher knew that.

Two weeks after that event, while taking an iced coffee from the patio machine, I saw Midoriya heading towards the gym, so that's what they were talking about. She walked like a zombie. I leaned against the machine and started drinking my coffee slowly. The bell rang, I stayed there, got another coffee to drink, but I never got to open it, because even after 15 minutes Midoriya did not leave the gym.

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