Chapter 11 - Extra - The visit

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Pov: Uraraka

How many times would I see that scene repeat itself?

Bakugou carried a fainted and injured Midoriya, heading to the same heroes who quickly took All Might without even giving us a chance to see his condition after the villains fled.

That's what worried me, when Momo tried to reassure me that Midoriya would be fine, I had a slight impression that she wouldn't. I couldn't tell if Bakugo's presence had increased or diminished that feeling.

I approached.

"I can take you with my quirk". I approached him in quick steps, it wasn't a question, I wanted to get her away from him.

"Shut up". He replied, we were still a little far away for other people to hear.

"You didn't protect her, and you always make it worse when you're with her. I heard Kirishima say that she got hurt because she tried to protect you. I take her to the heroes".

Bakugou continued to walk, looked at me with murderous eyes and almost shouted:

"And where were you? Wasting time with those shitty villains? You are too weak even to protect yourself".

I stopped abruptly and watched him continue on his way.

I looked down at my hands that were still shaking slightly since we'd gotten there. Bakugo was right. I had no answer. I stopped and watched him take her away.

The next day we obviously didn't have class, I went to the hospital to visit Midoriya, but she had already been discharged for having "only" a broken arm. I was carrying a bag with some cheap but out-of-budget cookies that I bought at the convenience store. I leave the Hospital reception with a long sigh.

"Did you come after Midoriya too?"

Todoroki approached me. He wore a pair of slightly shabby jeans and a plain blue shirt. He was carrying a small bag with what looked like several cans of iced coffee.

"Yeah, she was discharged. And I don't know where she lives".

He looked at me as if going to her house was the most innovative and brilliant idea on the planet. He took out his cell phone and called someone.

"Hello? Midoriya, what's your address? I want to go to you". I heard an embarrassed and a little hysterical voice from Midoriya on the other end of the line. "No, no problem, Ochako is here too, we want to go".

When Todoroki hung up he looked back at me.

"Now I know the address. Let 's go".

It wasn't far. The walk was mostly silent.

"Aren't you ashamed, Todoroki?"

"Of what?"

"Just call a girl and ask for her address because you want to go there".

He seemed to think seriously about the matter.

"I should?"

"Errg, maybe? I do not know. I think it's a good sign that you're not ashamed of her, at least for me".

Todoroki looked at me with a big question mark on his face and I just smiled.

When we arrived at the house we saw two people approaching the gate at the same time. Bakugou with a more sullen face than ever and a woman very much like him holding a bakery cake.

"What the fuck did you guys come here for?" He yelled and the woman punched him in the head.

"Shut up, rude. Is that how you treat your classmates?" Her angry face was just like her son's. "Sorry, are you Midoriya's friends? Did you come to visit too? I had to drag this idiot here. The poor thing got hurt because of him and he wasn't even going to visit her. My son just disappoints me, he's such an idiot".

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