Chapter 20 - Extra 2

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Pov: Bakugo

"Man, this is surreal, it doesn't even look like a school championship". Kirishima got up from the chair next to me, standing up to lean on the edge of the bleachers.

I remained silent, looking in the same direction as him. Did that idiot think no one was listening to their conversation? Because screaming like that there would be no way not to hear. She was trying to convince the half-and-half asshole to use the fire quirk he always kept hidden. A useless and arrogant piece of shit.

The floor of the arena began to smear with the drops of blood that fell from her hand. The hand was so bruised and swollen, and yet she kept unleashing those attacks to destroy the jagged waves of ice.

"What is that quirk of hers, bro? It's very self-destructive". Kirishima continued.

"Kacchan, I have no quirk", the memory of a 4 year old Midoriya came to my mind. That day my mother had taken me to her house, claiming that my presence was important. My mom and hers were in the kitchen talking, when I walked into her room, Midoriya was sitting on the side of the bed, hugging her knees. When she saw me she started to cry.

"What do you mean? I asked.

"I'm different, the doctor said I'll never have a quirk. Sorry Kacchan, sorry, I don't think I can be your partner against the crime."

She cried so much. I stood there. I did not know what to do. Something strange began to grow inside of me, something that had never let go and stopped growing since that day.

My mother had taken me there to hug her and tell her everything would be all right. But it wouldn't be okay. She had promised. I had waited weeks to show the uniforms I designed for us.

I pulled her arm away from her hugging her knee.

"Stop this damn crying" Midoriya looked at me surprised, I was too, it was the first time I had ever said a bad word – after that it became something of my common vocabulary. "If you don't want to be my partner, just say so, you don't have to blame other things."

She got up, starting to stop crying.

"I can not!" she raised her voice.

"You don't want!" I screamed even more.



Midoriya had stopped crying, we both started screaming so much, and indefinitely, that our mothers came scared into the room to break up the fight.

The half and half used the fire Quirk and the fight went to another level, Kirishima was right, that had gone beyond a school championship, the two didn't even think about the attacks anymore, they just advanced against each other. I got up to get a better look at what was happening when a blast of hot air pushed everyone back, I had to hold on to keep from falling.

When the smoke cleared Midoriya was passed out. Tsc. Obvious.

I ran my eyes over his bruises. Damn it. She hadn't lied to me all that time. That destructive quirk shit really wasn't hers.


I entered the infirmary. Todoroki was fighting with Iida, I heard that shit Mineta telling the others that Midoriya would have to have a quick surgery on his hand. She was lying down, sleeping.

There were so many bandages all over her body, I put my thumb on a band-aid on her cheek. Useless. And you still ask me why I started calling you that. If you don't remember, that's your problem. I ran a hand through her tangled hair. The bandaged hand looked as small and fragile as it ever had. I got it. Even under the bandages I could feel the hot skin, I pressed my lips together, closed my eyes.

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