Chapter 12 - Extra - Brief Meeting

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Pov: All Might

I left the police meeting room accompanied by the Director of the U.A, after a few hours inside I felt worn out.

The entire meeting was geared towards talking about the villains' ambush and Shigaraki, a teenager with a dangerous quirk who inspired 72 other villains to attack children. It freaked me out just thinking about it. If something had happened to any of them...

As we got into the car, Principal Nezu fastened the belts around his small body and looked at me seriously.

"I decided not to raise this point in the midst of everyone" The Director began, his animalistic appearance mixed something between mouse, cat and bear. "But the situation is worrying, All Might."

I started the car.

"You say that by the nature of Shigaraki's quirk?" I asked.

"They knew you were going to that training". He concluded. It was a thought that was already floating through my mind, but I believed it was too bitter to raise this point.

"Do you think there is a traitor among us? Among the teachers? Or among the students?"


I was silent thinking about the possibility. It was dangerous information to expose, it would cause suspicion even if there were no traitors.

"I can't imagine any of those young students being a spy". I referred to the students in Class 1A

"There is a possibility, but I think it unlikely".

I looked at him intrigued.

"Think about it, the person knew you would do the training, but not that you would be late. When the students got there and didn't see you, wouldn't it be normal for the spy to warn the bosses that something in the plan was going wrong? From what Aizawa said, Shigaraki was quite annoyed and surprised to see his absence. But that doesn't totally remove the probability, as there is also the fact that maybe the spy didn't want to take the risk of trying to pass a message there, even if it was a cell phone text".

"Well, but it's something. We know that nº13, Midnight, you and I knew I was late. Who else knew about the training?"

"All the other teachers".

"Some other classroom?"

"No." He replied "1B would only have training the next day" .

I took a long breath.

"It is not very secure information, there are still many options".

"Yes, anyway, I'll ask Aizawa to keep an eye on the students, and you, let me know if you see anything strange with any teacher".


I drove for some time in silence when Nezu spoke again:

"The Sports Festival will start soon".

"This is already worrying me". I answered sincerely. "I don't know if Midoriya is prepared for this kind of competition".

"You can try to encourage her, talk about the importance of the Festival to her career".

"I don't know if I'm very good at this." I scratched my head. "But I can try, it shouldn't be difficult to say a few words of encouragement, right?"

That was it, the next day I would call Midoriya for lunch and make her excited about the opportunity!

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