Chapter 4 - Extra - An amazing girl

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POV: Uraraka

When I saw her almost fall, the first thing that went through my head was to help her. I touched the girl with green hair and she stopped, floating a few inches from the ground. She had a sloppy style that looked a bit like a boy, was that what they called a tomboy? It was kind of sexy.

The second time I saw her was in the field of practical examination, when the floor broke into pieces and I got caught, I thought I would be crushed by the robot, but she ran and destroyed it with a single punch. I don't know what happened, but she couldn't control the fall. So I used what was left of strength to keep her from falling again.

Her broken legs and arms looked grotesque, but she was still talking about continuing the exam. That girl was just incredible.

She had to enter the UA anyway! She had to be my classmate! I wanted to see her as many times as possible. Besides, she had wasted time saving me and that kept her from passing. I went after the Present Mic to ask them to share my points with her, but he ran his hand over my head and said I wouldn't have to worry, that we had both passed.

I was so happy! So we really would be classmates.

On the first day of school I saw her at the door with her hand stretched out to a guy with glasses, she seemed very uncomfortable with him there, so I promptly made sure to get all her attention and keep that bizarre guy away. She looked so cute in a skirt! We would definitely be best friends. Our conversation was interrupted when a strange teacher appeared. But I would still have many other chances to meet that girl. We could even schedule to have ice cream together, my heart warmed just thinking about the possibility

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