Chapter 19 - Give it your all

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Those bloodshot eyes were too close when I bumped into Bakugo around the corner of the hallway, heading for the waiting room.

"Don't you look where you're going, you useless?" He held my elbows, keeping me from falling, but once I was stabilized, he let go.

"Sorry, Kacchan. I was in a hurry". I wanted to find Uraraka as soon as possible, at least talk a little with her before my fight.

"That shit strategy, it was your thing, right? It's just like you to do something annoying". Bakugo frowned.

"No, it was totally Uraraka's idea, very good, isn't it? Looks like it almost got you in trouble

"Tsk, you are both useless".

"Useless, huh? You like this word, Kacchan". I clasped my hands behind my back, leaning my body a little towards him. "And many called me in this way when I found out I had no quirk, many adults, it's so mean, isn't it? Such a violent word. You didn't call me useless back then, even when I told you about my situation, no, you started calling me after a while. Will you ever tell me why?" I smiled at him, Bakugo seemed surprised by my approach, his brow got even more furrowed and he opened his mouth to spit some more cursing. "Still, thank you, Kacchan, for not taking it easy on Uraraka. It makes me happy to see how you treat everyone equally in your disdain".

I waved at him and followed the hallway towards the waiting room, I wasn't going to wait for an answer. I had never said something like that to him, but it was the truth, many called me useless before Bakugo, many said I wouldn't be able to. My own mother apologized to me when the doctor said I would have no quirk. That conversation with Shinsou had made me reflective. How many people didn't hear things like that on a daily basis?

Conversation sounds came from inside the waiting room, Uraraka was talking on the cell with her parents, her shaken voice apologized, saying she couldn't win. Then she started to cry. I clenched my fists, should I stand there and listen? Come in and hug her? Comfort her? Being a hero was also about accepting the lows, about understanding that we're not always the strongest.

When silence once again settled inside the room, I turned the knob slowly, opening the door carefully so as not to startle her. Uraraka was sitting, wiping away her tears. Seeing me, she rubbed her eyes harder to hide the crying and smiled at me.

"Looks like it didn't work, huh?" Her voice still came out shaky. "In the end I lost concentration, and Bakugo is totally on another level".

"Yes he is". I sat at the table in front of her. "He and Todoroki are like two monsters. It's even obscene for two teenagers to be that way. That's why we need to keep trying".

She looked up at me, barely crying anymore.

"You don't think you're going to lose to Todoroki, do you?"

"It is not what I intend". I replied, but who knows? The control he had of the ice was frightening and besides, I would make him use the Fire Quirk. "You fought well, Uraraka". I put my hand over her hair and she started crying again.

"This is unfair, Izuku. It's also unfair for a teenager to be so cool like you". Uraraka wiped her tears once more with the back of her hand. "I'm fine. And I know I didn't fight well".

"O-cha-ko. I found Bakugo in the hallway and he was really annoyed with your strategy. You just need to improve your stamina. Even though you have endured so many explosions from him is already a great test of endurance. I'm proud of you, it's okay to cry a little. About crying I understand well".

"I'll give you much more reason to be proud". She stood up, her eyes at the same height as mine. "Even after your battle you continued to evaluate the other fights, I'll not stay here whimpering even more. I'll do like you! And..."

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