Chapter 17 - Extra 1

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POV: All Might

I was too proud! All right, all right, I knew that young Midoriya was finding alternative ways to win the competitions, first not using her quirk, then getting hurt and hiding from everyone. Still, I was proud! She was going into the third and final phase. I started to get really hopeful that she would win.

I saw a little far from me Endeavor walking through the stands and I had a great idea, for sure talking to him would help me! I went into my muscle mode and caught up with him quickly.

As soon as he saw me he quickened his pace away, it wasn't the first time he did this, Endeavor did his best to ignore me even though we were both Japan's greatest heroes.

"Calm down, Endeavor, no need to hurry, hasn't it been more than ten years since we've spoken? I'm happy to see you here!"

"I don't say the same. Now excuse me, I'm going to the bathroom!"

"Always so cold!" I entered in front of him, blocking the way, I could feel the heat of the flames that he left constantly burning in his hero uniform. "Todoroki is having a wonderful performance in all the tests, you created him very well!"

He stopped running and looked me in the eyes, frowning.

"What do you intend?" Endeavor's voice came out so angry that I had to force my smile to remain on my face. The man had always had problems with sympathy (and especially problems with me).

I forced a laugh.

"I wanted to know how you're training him so well so I can apply with my young apprentices!"

"By young apprentices do you mean that girl with the green hair? She fights the same way you do".

"You know I'm a professor at U.A., everyone in the classroom is my apprentice". I tried to control my voice, I didn't want to show anything about my relationship with the young Midoriya. And after all, does she really fight the same way I do?

"Whatever. I trained my son to be better than you, no girl will pass him, being trained by you or anyone else. I created him just for that and that's what he will do. Now get out of my sight".

Endeavor pushed me out of the way and I stood there with serious doubts if it was Endeavor's training that made Todoroki like that, or if it was something else.


POV: Bakugo

Sometimes I wanted to control how possessed I was about certain things, but the feeling came to me in an uncontrollable burst of anger and frustration. The first moment that day I felt it was when I saw Deku walk past me on top of a sheet metal. A mixture of feelings, surprise also among them.

Then I saw her limping beside Four-Eyes and again a strong feeling nearly blinded me with rage, and I didn't even know the source. If I was irritated that she had won again, if because she was an idiot who couldn't even finish a simple race without getting hurt. Or even if it was a combination of the two.

I wanted to confront her, to ask her how she managed to do that kind of useless thing. And how she did it while keeping the snobbish, confident smile on her face. But I didn't even have time to get close. Even before appearing on the screen, I saw Todoroki lift her in his lap and take her away. I stood up in a rage.

No thought other than the need to reach them crossed my mind, nor did I know what I would do. I stopped at the corner of the hall when began to hear their whispered conversation. Todoroki talked about his past, about his mother and father. He asked if Deku was All Might's daughter and they both openly declared their rivalry between them. When he was about to leave, I went a little way forward and hid in a corner that didn't lead to the way back so they wouldn't see me.

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