Chapter 16 - A violent tag

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I only believed that it would work when I saw Tokoyami's Dark Shadow stop Kacchan's explosion. We were propelled backwards and I controlled the fall with the jetpack. It was obvious that he would come after me, not only for the points, but the irritated one would not let my victory in the first race go unnoticed. No, he wanted to destroy me in this second trial.

However, his plans were interrupted when a team from Classroom 1-B attacked him, took Kacchan's armband and arrested Sero. My feelings were totally divided upon seeing that. Half of me wanted to laugh until my stomach hurt to see Kacchan make a mistake out of distraction. And the other half wanted to punch that cocky blonde from 1-B and get the armband back. But I wouldn't do that, nor could imagine what Kacchan would do if I intruded.

The best I could do to help him was to eliminate other teams as they were now down to -20 points due to Sero's slip.

I would start with Mineta. I couldn't imagine how pleasurable it was to beat that disgusting boy, but it was. I used a rope that wrapped itself on impact, created by Mei and, dodging all the purple balls thrown, I tied it up and ripped the armband, passing it to Uraraka.

As soon as our hands touched and she reached for the fabric, something wrapped around my waist. Something wet and slimy and disgusting. I looked at the other end, it was Tsuyu's tongue. She was also on Mineta and Shoji's team.

"Tsuyu! This is very disgusting! It's full of drool". I held Tsuyu's tongue digging in my nails, but there was no reaction on her part.

"Thbat's it fbor bou" She tried to say as she lifted me off the floor. The tip of her tongue came toward my armband.

Mei had just returned from "prison" and threw several metal pellets at me and on the tongue, I fell to the floor in the middle of smoke, an unpleasant taste like spoiled egg filling my palate and making my eyes water. Tsuyu couldn't stop coughing. It was Mei who tied her up and took her armband away.

"Are you okay?" Tokoyami asked.

"If I disregard the rotten egg taste in the mouth". I got up. "We managed to eliminate an entire team".

"And we already have another problem."

I didn't even have time to get excited, there they were.

Todoroki, Iida, Kaminari and Momo.

Other teams were approaching too, but I couldn't worry about them. Not with that piercing gaze of Todoroki, would he really take the rivalry thing seriously. We stared at each other for several seconds.

"I thought we would only face them in the final, but it seems that is not the case". Tokoyami pointed at them. "You've been making very strong rivals, Midoriya".

"But allies too". I replied, trying to smile confidently.

My brain was trying to come up with a plan to defeat them, Mei and Uraraka approached.

"Tokoyami, continue to be my defense. Uraraka, just don't let Kaminari get close or he'll electrocute everyone".

It was a little late to speak.

When I realized, Momo created an anti-shock fabric and threw it on top of his team, with the exception of Kaminari.

After the attack on the training area, Uraraka commented that the duo had already performed that combo before, but still managed to catch us.

I felt a shock wave through my entire body, making me fall to the floor. The intensity of the electricity was greater than I expected him to use with other students, I had almost passed out, happened to several other competitors and Iida used his speed to rip off the armbands and take them to the center.

Mei tried to grab Uraraka and go up with her jetpack at the time of the attack, but the electrical discharge made both her backpack and mine fail.

Momo came at us with a huge hammer that came out of her arm, Tokoyami blocked her with the dark shadow, but had difficulties. He'd told me that he'd have a hard time with Quirks that emit light like Kaminari's beams, but the other group didn't need to know that we were powerless.

Todoroki tried to freeze our feet, this trick we already knew, Uraraka touched my shoulder and I floated in time to avoid being caught. He kept advancing, I saw his ice punch approaching and without thinking too much I blocked him. I retaliated with a punch to the chest that made him move away, Mei took the cue and tried to hold him with her rope, however he froze both the equipment and her arms.

He approached again and I punched him again, Todoroki had to create an ice barrier or he would be hit. It shattered into pieces. My fist tingled and the impact had knocked me to the ground. Pieces of broken ice pierced the knuckles of my hand, but I couldn't keep the smile off my face because my arm hadn't broken.

I didn't even have time to celebrate, that air pressure went through me. Iida was holding my armband. Midnight announced that there were 3 minutes left and that I was about to lose 100 points.

"You have to pay more attention to me, Midoriya. Remember? I challenged you".

His smile was wild and determined.

I felt a lump in my throat. I would not lose.

Everything happened at the same time.

Kaminari tried to electrocute us again, but Uraraka grabbed him from behind and the two of them floated away in a distant shockwave. Mei managed to break the ice and trap Momo and when I felt that Todoroki was going to attack me, Tokoyami stepped in front to protect me from the ice.

I boosted the speed using my toes and managed to keep up with the speed of Iida heading to the prison. I didn't run fast. The impulse threw me on top of him. I felt the toes on my toes break, but I rolled onto Iida and caught him by the arms, gasping. We rolled together for a few feet and I touched my armband just as the alarm went off at the end of the race. My points were intact.

I threw the weight on top of Iida, feeling the pain of my broken fingers. That was bad. It was terrible, no one could know, if I could walk I could go to the next test without anyone suspecting.

The pain blurred my vision for a few seconds.
"Midoriya, are you okay?" My head was resting on Iida's shoulder, he said while spitting my hair over his face. "Looks like I'm no match for you".

Using my arms to pull away from him, I stared into his face, serious, but with a slight smile at the corner of my mouth.

"You're more than a match, Iida, if the competition had lasted one more minute I wouldn't have been able to accompany you".

"Don't be complacent". He put his hand on my thighs, it was a silent request for me to get off him, but I jumped at the touch. "You're awesome".

I got up hiding my flushed face. Pain from my little toes rippled through my body with an uncomfortable shiver.

Midnight shouted into the microphone the ranked teams:

"1st Place: Team Midoriya;
2nd Place: Team Todoroki;
3rd Place: Team Shinsou;
4th Place: Team Bakugo."

The pilasters began to sink into the ground, leaving it flat again. I could see the purple haired boy standing there with a triumphant smile on his face. So he was called Shinsou.

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