Chapter 16 - Extra

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POV: Bakugo

My kick was stopped by the bastard's stiffened arm. And it wasn't Kirishima, it was that motherfucker from room 1-B who stole my armband when I attacked Deku. His quirk was to copy that of others.

Kirishima and the pink girl were struggling with the big hands' girl, at least we had already eliminated the other two from their team, so weak that there wasn't even time to find out what the quirk was.

I punched him in the face, and he stiffened, blasting the same explosion as mine in my face.

"Damn, your quirk is incredible". He said arrogantly. "But mine is better'.

I felt so much anger clenching my teeth that I couldn't even speak, even when Kirishima screamed complaining that he had stolen our moves. I clenched my fists.

I would take first place.

I would destroy the boy and then look for Deku.

"I'll finish you, and everyone who gets in front of me". I growled. "I'll take first place".

"Calm down, you provoked, remember? With that rude speech..." The boy replied.

Even with Kirishima's request for me to calm down, I jumped at him with everything. Every punch and kick he stiffened his body, but he couldn't fight back. And with each explosion he countered with another explosion. He would get tired, I wouldn't.

I was pushed back by the impact of the combined explosions.

Kirishima and the girl defeated the opponent. Kirishima ran to take the armbands while Mina stayed by my side.

"Oi, the black eye". I said, getting her attention. "As soon as I say so, throw acid on the floor".

She nodded and I ran once more towards the bastard. He braced himself for impact, but then I yelled at the girl. An irritating, stinky acid smeared on our shoes causing us to slip. I was already expecting that, as we fell I jerked my body backwards, turning a somersault and kicking him so hard in the stomach he didn't have time to stiffen. The unfortunate fainted at the same time.

I took my armband and his, throwing them for the pink girl to take to prison.

Now I would go back to Deku, I wouldn't leave the first place with her again, I ran towards the last place I saw her, dodging those pillars that got in the way of having a sense of what was happening and I found her throwing herself on top of that bastard with glasses.

I went towards them. The alarm sounded at the end of the competition.

I stopped suddenly, again I felt something inside me burn so hard that I didn't know whether to scream or continue on my way to her. That bastard's hand pressed into her thigh. Finally a scream in the back of my throat came to me, but it was drowned out by the sound of the score. My team ranked last, hers first.

I turned my back to get out of there.

My teeth gnashed with the pressure. Small explosions made noise between my fingers.

In the next and final step she wouldn't escape me.


Pov: Tokoyami

The first time I saw Midoriya nothing caught my attention. An ordinary girl, neither pretty nor ugly. Even after the first classroom training, I couldn't understand all the commotion. Bakugo with a fixation on her, Todoroki, Iida and Uraraka always surrounding her. It was in fact, curious, that in a few weeks of classes, people had already moved so much, while most of the class had not even formed a group, including me.

This was common, my appearance scared, or bothered. Nobody wanted to talk for more than 5 minutes with a bird's head. And I could be sad or complaining in the corners, but I didn't care. With my headphones, my rock and my peace, I just hoped no one would bother me.

That must have been what surprised me when Midoriya approached me and invited me to her team. She had apparently watched me so much that she more or less understood how the dark shadow worked, so she asked me to be her shield.

She didn't look away, didn't comment on my beak or the feathers on my face. She just stared at me with determination. She trusted that I would defend her and didn't even think that maybe I couldn't (even if I could).

When Todoroki and Iida appeared I commented on the strong rivals who declared war on her and Midoriya stared at me:

"But allies too". Shee referred to me, and my strength.

The big green eyes were sincere and mesmerizing. Her smile is somewhat brave. She exuded a fire and an urge to move forward that turned my stomach.

I understood.

Maybe that was it.

I would defend her.

No, I wanted to defend her.

The trust she placed in me screamed to walk alongside her and destroy anyone who stood in the way of our team.

During the fight, Midoriya understood every need of my quirk and thought of a backup plan, when she left me with Todoroki I used all my strength to get in his way. I was lucky that other opponents also advanced on him.

When the alarm sounded I sighed in relief along with the dark shadow.

Because of Midoriya, I came in first. I saw her limp along beside Iida, approaching us.

In fact, an ordinary girl, neither pretty nor ugly.

But she was my ally. And I am her ally. And whenever she called me, she would have my shadows at her disposal.

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