Chapter 3 - It's time to practice

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I didn't know that there were so many muscles in the body that could hurt. My routine has become exhausting in the past few weeks, but I have faced it with all the excitement on the planet.

It had been exactly 15 days since that event changed my whole life. All Might, right in front of me, saying that I could be a heroine. That day he also explained to me about his quirk: One for All, the power to transfer his own strength to another. His quirk was passed on from generation to generation, his strength increased with each user and I would be next, but I needed to prepare my body for that.

"You're still very weak; your body would explode if you received the One for All."

Then it was like this, with a new hope for my days, that I started training like crazy. I would wake up at 5 am and go for a run, come back, have a hearty breakfast, go to school and afterwards meet All Might on the edge of a filthy beach where we stay until nightfall, come home, have dinner, do homework, and finally go to sleep.

All Might wanted me to clean up that whole beachfront where for years the city population threw away rubbish. It had everything there, old furniture, tires and pieces of cars. I even had to push a disengaged minivan. That day I threw up from the effort and All Might started to worry if he was overdoing it.

"No!" I yelled, I didn't want him to take easy on me "If I don't try harder than anyone, I know I'm not going anywhere. I need to enter the U.A!" All Might gave that usual big smile.

"So, let's continue with my 'American dream' plan to join the U.A!"

And so, the days went by. Despite all the physical exhaustion, the worst thing was to go to school always tired, mainly because I couldn't let my grades drop in any way. One day I was scolded by the teacher for being "muttering like crazy" about training and the U.A in the middle of the class; and the other day I was caught sleeping in the classroom.

I was also using the breaks to sleep in some strategic corners of the school. And some people who used to talk to me started commenting on my strange attitudes and that my body was changing.

After 5 months of training, my body, which used to be very skinny, started to gain some muscles, not many, but enough to be noticed. That day I went to one of my places to sleep, one of the best, the stairs between the gym and the equipment room, or even in the equipment room itself. I would only lean in a few gym mats and that was it, I slept. It was exactly what I was doing at that moment, I dragged some mats to the darkest corner and lay down, my body hurting so much ... I put the cell phone alarm for 15 minutes and fell asleep in seconds.

In my dreams I heard Kacchan's voice, it wasn't so rare for me to dream about him, after all, we were friends since childhood. Since the accident with that villain, Kacchan wouldn't come near me or talk to me anymore, but sometimes I caught him staring at me with that face that he would like to throw me out the window.

When I woke up I felt strange, there was something on top of me, it was a mat. So oddly, I didn't remember doing that, it must have been leaning against the wall and then it feels on me, or I was really drowsy.

Wait ... I didn't hear the alarm clock either. I took out my cell phone and the screen flashed in my face. 2:30 pm, there was only 1 hour to finish the class. I went into despair, never in my life did I cut class.

My god, my god, my god. What do I do? I started to walk in circles, all my stuff was in the classroom. I couldn't go and get them without being scolded by the teacher. I sighed: it would be better to just accept the facts.

When I opened the door to the equipment room, my stuff was there, along with a canned coffee.

But how? Surely it was Yuki-chan, she was the only one who knew that I slept there and besides, she was so kind. She never made fun of me in the class, and there were times when she even tried to defend me. I grabbed my things and went to the women's locker room. I put on my clothes for the daily struggle. It was almost like CrossFit; it even had a tire to drag. I waited for the signal to sound while drinking the coffee that Yuki-chan had left there, it would be good to give a boost to the training.

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