Chapter 18 - Final Battles - Part 1

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I was already dressed again in the school blue outfit, feeling a little grateful for the visual protection the pants provided compared to the tiny cheerleader skirt. It wasn't that it was a total torture to participate, in fact, it was the opposite, because apart from the eyes of the crowd, I loved to dance. Besides the fun of participating in it with other girls.

My ability to dance seems to have come as a surprise to everyone, as they always thought I was shy (which in fact I was). Bakugo already knew that side of me, after all, he was in almost all my elementary school performances and as much as he wouldn't admit it, I saw him watching me in one of the only performances I did in junior high in a theater play that practically forced me to participate . I never had the courage to ask why he was watching me that day, most likely, even though he hated me at that moment, he still liked dancing. And really, what a day! They liked the performance so much that I received a bouquet of red roses bigger than my head from some secret admirer.

But that whole story of dances and flowers was another time, now here I was, with my = toes broken waiting for the battle pairs to be drafted.

Ojiro, a blond boy with a tail, who was studying in my class, raised his hand.

"Excuse me, Midnight. I would like to give up".

The others exclaimed in surprise, Ojiro said that he felt like an idiot for that, but that he didn't remember having participated in the previous competition. Everyone fought with all their might and he didn't remember doing anything. He said it was probably the purple haired guy's quirk. Then the entire team that participated with him dropped out and was replaced by another. My eyes met the boy's.

Psychic ability. I hadn't lied when I'd told him it was something really cool. But looking at it that way, wasn't it also terrible? Ojiro and the others didn't remember anything, they were somehow controlled. The boy smiled at me and I felt goosebumps run through my body. It wasn't a kind smile.

Midnight draft the names.

My first battle would be against him.

Midnight asked us to wait while Cementoss finished building the place we would fight. As we walked back inside the bleachers I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"So you're Midoriya Izuku?" I turned around, Shinsou looked like a cat, silent, observant. His gaze pierced and the smile made my chest quicken, not in a good way. "Looks like we're going to settle down sooner than I thought".

I was about to open my mouth when Ojiro used his tail to shut me up.

"Don't answer him, Midoriya, it's something about his quirk".

Shinsou frowned at Ojiro, but then he shrugged and walked away from us with an impatient click of his tongue.


Not even thirty minutes had passed when Present Mic announced the first battle. While the others continued to stand in the stands to watch, I entered the hallway that led to the fighting arena.

All Might was waiting for me there with a gigantic smile on his face.

"It's going to be all right, my girl! You managed to use a little quirk without getting hurt, but not entirely". He pointed at my foot. "Remember about what Aizawa said! Try not to think about it."

"When I'm about to hit someone it seems like my brain understands that I have no intentions to kill and unconsciously lowers the strength. I'm afraid that doesn't happen and I end up seriously hurting someone".

All Might slapped me, even too hard, on my forehead.

"Don't think too much, Midoriya, don't think too much". He took my cheeks and lifted them up. "And try to smile, do you want to be Japan's number 1 hero without a smile on your face?"

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