Chapter 2 - Extra - I don't need help

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POV: Bakugo

That wretch nerd.

I had just thrown her precious notebook out of the window and yet she was looking at me with that simple smile and poker face. She shouldn't think I deserved an answer and it just made me even more angry. Who did that useless think she was?

We were already on our way back home. In front of the school I glanced at the terrace and then continued walking.

"Hey, isn't she your childhood friend?" Said one of my classmates.

"Exaggerated a little this time, huh, Bakugo?" Said another who followed by his side. "But she's pretty, it gives a little pleasure to annoy her."

I put out my hand and launched an explosion at his foot, which fell to the ground complaining. The desire was to blow off that motherfucker's head.

"She always gets in my way, so it's her fault. These idiots who live dreaming and don't grow up piss me off."

I reached out to the other one who was standing.

"I already told you not to smoke at my side, if they catch us I'm also fucked"

"Hey Hey hey"

The one on the floor pointed behind me.

"Finally I've found a disguise with a nice quirk."

I didn't have time to turn around, something gooey stuck on me. A villain. I started trying to hit him with my explosions, but as I exploded he took shape again. Shit, a totally advantageous quirk over mine, that shit didn't burn.

I don't know how much time has passed, people were huddling together and even some shitty heroes were staring at me with a pout face. The disgusting goo tried to enter my throat, I was panting and barely able to breathe.

Everything around us was already destroyed by so many explosions. I wasn't going to let that wretched thing take over my body. What were those fucking heroes doing? Were they not going to help me? Would I have to solve it myself? Would I be able to solve it myself? I started to lose hope as my outbursts began to weaken from tiredness.

The crowd started to shout, someone came running towards us. Finally, a decent hero would save me, it was about time.

But I didn't want to believe it when I saw who was sacrificing herself in front of me trying to get the mud out of my body with her bare hands.

Midoriya. Her face was reddened by the effort and tears were coming out without stopping.

I didn't know what to feel, what the fuck was that?

"Why you?" I managed to yell.

The villain would kill her. And he started to get more angry and speed up the process of taking over my body.

"I do not know! I just saw you and started running" Midoriya managed to grab my arm and started pulling me "Your face ... It was of someone who needed help, Kacchan. I needed to help you."

"STOP". The villain used my mouth to speak, I could barely breathe. "Just a little longer, get out."

I tried to use my last strength to launch more explosions, the image of her dying there with me boiled my blood, but I started to lose consciousness due to suffocation. Everything else was blurry, All Might himself came and saved us. When I fully recovered, I was lying on the floor and Midoriya just wouldn't let go of my fucking hand, she was squeezing it so hard that looked like she wanted to break it.

"Let go of me," I said, and only then she noticed, let go, and blush. The paramedics came to my rescue, but I had nothing to be taken care of, they released me to go home.

Now I was hearing some of those shitty heroes who didn't save me praising me for holding on for so long.

I wouldn't have had to endure that much if you were useful.

At a certain point I stopped listening and I could only look at Midoriya, an extraordinary anger burning inside me. I could see that her hands were bruised, rubbing her right palm with her left thumb, but said nothing to the paramedics.

Again . "Face of someone who needed help". Again that shitty nerd thought I was worthless, she was the useless one here. To be saved by someone without a quirk ... If All Might hadn't shown up, she would have died and I would have been a dummy for a villain.

She noticed that I was staring at her, smiled with that annoying face she always had, waved and went away.

It took me a few minutes to get rid of all that nonsense and people who wanted to interview me, they can all go to hell with their interviews. When I reached Midoriya, we were already closer to our neighborhood.

"Deku!" I called.

She turned around, her fingertips were scraped,her eyes were a little swollen from crying and her hair was all tousled and wet from the rain All Might caused. Pathetic.

"I didn't ask you to save me" The anger I felt was so much that I didn't even know the origin anymore, I couldn't stand that way of her acting, and now while I was speaking she looked at me with that face of someone who wasn't even listening, or worse, that didn't care about anything I said "I could have done it myself. You remain a Deku, useless, quirkless. Don't think I'm going to thank or owe you any favors. You fucking nerd"

I turned to go, I didn't wait for an answer, she never bothered to answer. She should think she was too good to argue with me.

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