Chapter 23

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Once again I had arrived early at school. But that time I couldn't say it was totally unintentional. Of course, I'd lost sleep thinking about recent events regarding the hero killer, but I didn't need to have gotten out of bed early, changed, and walked briskly to the library before someone from my class came around and see me

I greeted the librarian and entered the room, completely empty. I walked unpretentiously along one, two, three shelves. What was I waiting for? That it didn't matter what day I would find him? Even if it was the same day of the week as the first time I saw him?

"Are you looking for something, young lady?" The librarian came to me, suspicious because I was walking up and down the halls.

"Nothing special!" –I ended up answering a little too hasty. "But thank you". I bowed softly in apology and in the same step I went there, I left the library dying of shame for being so silly.

I was just rounding the corner of the stairs downstairs when I almost bumped into someone and apologized. My heart raced, it was Shinsou.

"Were you in the library?" he asked. I just nodded, even though I was one step above him, Shinsou was still taller than me. "But you didn't take any books?"

I blushed and nodded, indicating the backpack.

"Interesting, which one?" he climbed on the same step as me, I thought I was going to melt and run down the stairs because felt my skin so hot. Almost sure I said a few "hms" without being able to simply say the name of any book.

"I saw you on the news about the hero killer, that you were saved by Endeavor. Are you okay?"

I put my hand into a fist in front of my chest. It was harder than it looked to lie saying, "Yes, I'm glad I was saved," when I'd shed so much blood and sweat to defeat him. But I smiled uncomfortably and nodded. To my surprise Shinshou let out a relieved sigh.

"I was worried".

Only then did I look him in the eye – I was ashamed before – it was the same look from that day, from the show, a mixture of determination and desire. I didn't know how to react, no one had ever looked at me like that. Shinsou took a step towards me and unconsciously I backed away a little, leaning my butt against the stair rail. He came a little closer, I leaned my back against the wall.

Was he going to kiss me? He was going, wasn't he? Did I want that? Well, at that moment I wanted – and who did I want to fool? I've wanted it from the moment he tried it the first time. How long had it been since the only kiss I'd had in my life? 3 years, 3 and a half years maybe? What if I had bad breath? What if I drool too much?

My head snapped, what if my saliva passed One for All to him? He got a little closer and in seconds I managed to get rid of him with my quirk. I was at the bottom of the stairs and I stared at him.

"Sorry, I still can't do that".

I didn't even wait for an answer, I disappeared in front of him in the blink of an eye.


I believe my face was still hot with embarrassment as we put on our hero clothes for the day's training. How would I ask All Might that?

"Hi, if I kiss, will I lose my powers?"

What if that was true? Would I have to spend my entire life kissing just one boy – who I didn't even like? Sex I couldn't do? Would I die a virgin? Was that the weight of being Japan's #1 hero? Couldn't be in a relationship? But some comic book heroes had their loves. Many of our real heroes were married, hey, Endeavor was married. Why not All Might? Had he never been in love? Or could he not?

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