Chapter 5 - I can't control!

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When I looked towards the voice that came from behind Uraraka I saw a man with long black hair up to his shoulder, a thin mustache and beard and deep dark circles, but the strangest thing was that he was lying on the floor in a very thick yellow sleeping bag. In a way it looked comfortable. The whole classroom exclaimed in surprise when they saw that scene, but they soon calmed down when he introduced himself as the teacher responsible for the class, his name: Aizawa Shouta.

He told us to put on our physical education clothes and go outside the building. But already? Without even classroom presentations or anything?

"Sensei, what about the opening ceremony?" Asked Uraraka.

"If you want to be heroes, we don't have time for silly subtleties."

Professor Aizawa had a somewhat acidic and even curious personality. I started to get cold feet, I felt that something not very good would happen.

And I got it right.

When we all changed and went outside, Aizawa announced that we would do a quirk test in sports activities like 50-meter dash and strength tests. To make matters worse: the last place would be expelled.

My nervousness went on, I still didn't know how to control the power of All Might, it was all or nothing. Despite the exclamations of disgust and surprise in the classroom, Aizawa did not change his mind. He just smiled with the face of someone who was loving our suffering.

"Welcome to the heroes course." He put the hair that fell over his face backwards with his hand.

What was I going to do?

The tests started and I was not using my quirk. If I used it, I would end up in the infirmary and miss the other tests. There were still 7 to go! I needed to adjust my quirk. All Might told me that it was like an egg in the microwave, I would have to control the power and timing so that the egg would not explode. But honestly, speaking was very easy to do. I just wasn't managing to release just a little bit of quirk.

The other students were doing perfectly well. Kacchan made 705.2 meters in the shot with the ball. He seemed to enjoy himself, he had no worries about getting kicked out. I couldn't deny it, it was a little fun to look at him like that, without controlling his instincts, just exploding here and there, it was like seeing a wild animal that was finally released into its habitat. Kacchan looked at me, as if he sensed that I was looking at him and I turned my face away. It was bad enough to have to deal with my own destructive thoughts at that moment, I didn't want to see his "I knew you were useless" look.

Iida had a speed quirk, each of his calves had six exhausts. Uraraka was devastating in the tests that she needed to eliminate the force of gravity from things. And even that thin, blond boy from the admission test was there, he would emit a laser beam from the navel area and you could even say he was graceful.

The pitch test would be my last opportunity to use my quirk, for the other two I could not think of a way to use it.

"Midoriya is not doing very well, right? That's weird." I don't know if Iida wanted to be careful, but in the end I heard what he said to Uraraka and that made me even more nervous.

"Of course not!" Shouted Kacchan, he was meddling in their conversation. "She doesn't even have a quirk!"

The room began to whisper. How wonderful...

"You certainly must be mistaken" replied Iida "Do you happen to know her? Didn't you see what she did on the entrance exam?"

I sighed, it was cute Iida defending me against Kacchan, I believe he was one of the first to do that. I glanced at them both, Kacchan was furious, is it because Iida said he didn't know me? Kacchan hated being asked what he knew. I took two steps away from them to stop listening to the conversation. But apparently it had already ended on its own.

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