Chapter 11 - Rescue Training - Part 2

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Todoroki held me in his arms to form an ice shield in front of us. The door to the Training Center burst open with a bang.

"Don't worry, because I'm here!"

All Might emerged from the dust. Even though your teeth are showing, don't smile. His face, the pure anger, I would never have thought I'd see him like that.

The time it took for Todoroki to lower the arms that held me was the same time it took All Might to get to us, taking down all the villains he had in his way.

"I felt that something didn't smell right and I started to come here, I found young Iida on the way". All Might approached. "You two, go to the gates and take Professor Aizawa".

The blue haired boy started to laugh non-stop in that freaky villain way. Todoroki carried Aizawa with the help of a bed of ice that slid on top of even more ice. He looked at me to follow, but I motioned for him to continue. He looked undecided for a few moments, but when he looked again at Aizawa's situation, he decided to continue on his way without me.

"Finally you arrived, I wondered how many students would have to kill for you to come." His voice was somehow childish and malevolent. "Apparently it was true, that you are weakening". He bent down to pick up the prototype hand that covered his face, it had fallen. But he used his own left hand so we wouldn't see him. A shock ran down my spine at those words, so did he know that All Might wasn't the same anymore?

I took a step forward.

"Midoriya". All Might stretched his arm in front of me. "Do as I say".

His tone of voice was firm.

The monster with the exposed brain advanced on him and a mad fight started, it was punch after punch at an exaggerated speed, my eyes barely followed, I still hadn't moved an inch looking at it.

I knew I had to follow Todoroki to the gates. I knew that if stayed there I would get in the way of All Might, but just couldn't. Everyone faithfully believed in All Might's strength, like an untouched god, but I knew his secret. I knew he was smiling to hide his own pain from everyone, and when I saw a trickle of blood come out of his mouth, I knew he had already crossed the line.

He prepared to bury the monster in the ground when a portal opened up engulfing the villain, preventing him from being torn apart by All Might's attack.

"Did you plan to bury it in concrete? Looks like it didn't work out too well." The blue haired one laughed like a football commentator from hell. "Isn't that fantastic, Kurogiri? He gave you the perfect opportunity".

The villain who had a black mist in place of his head, Kurogiri, emerged from within another hole.

"Nomu's mission was just to stop you. Done with you... what an honor it will be to have this role." Kurogiri said.

At that very moment I totally lost any feeling of fear. Just needed to save All Might, I ran to him. My fingers almost touched Kurogiri when I felt someone grab me by the back collar of my shirt and pull me back.

"Get out of here, hell". It was Kacchan, no one else screamed like that. At the same time he threw me backwards with his left arm, an explosion came out of his right hand that hit Kurogiri throwing him backwards. When he fell to the ground Kirishima threw herself on top of him and trapped him, stiffening his body.

I also fell on my butt on the floor.

"As I imagined, even with that fog-like appearance you have a body. And if you do, I can kill you". Kacchan placed his hand on Kurogiri's metallic structure that was below his "face". The black hole closed by cutting off a piece of that monster they called Nomu and All Might managed to break free.

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