Chapter 13 - A New Rival?

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It was at the end of the second day after we knew about the Festival that after classes we heard a crowd in front of our classroom door. As I was still finishing my notes, I was the last to pack my things and head towards the noise.

I heard Bakugou at the end of what he was saying:

".... they want to spy on us before the battles, bunch of motherfuckers. It's no use trying, damn riffraff!"

Even though I didn't hear the whole conversation, I was sure it wasn't anything that justified Bakugou's attitude, I put my hand on my face, embarrassed and perplexed.

"Don't call others riffraff!" Iida shouted from my side to Bakugou.

"Or even motherfuckers." I whispered still with my hand on my face.

"I came to see what this classroom was like, I didn't expect to find someone so arrogant. Is everyone in this room like that?" I took my hand away from my face to see the same purple-haired, dark circles boy I found in the Library. He saw me too, stared at me for a few seconds before looking back at Bakugou, taking the front of the other students. "I'm a little disappointed. You may not know it, but there are a lot of people who end up in the general education department because they can't get a spot on heroic. But using the results of the Sports Festival, there is still a chance they will be transferred to the heroic department. And the opposite situation can also happen..." He gave a sour smile. "Spy on you? At least a boy like me is thinking..." The boy creepily approached Bakugou, he was even taller than Kacchan. "Hey, how about I knock these heroic children off their white horses? Consider this a declaration of war".

I saw Bakugou's face turn red, he was going to yell more low-level insults. I didn't want it to continue, but it would only make the situation worse if I tried to stop Kacchan. I don't know how I got the courage, but I went to the two of them and took the boy's arm. He and Kacchan glared at me, each in their own way. I felt my fingers holding his sleeve tremble slightly.

"I don't think you can call anyone arrogant after treating me like that in the library. Consider the Declaration of War accepted. "I heard a hysterical little scream that I could have sworn was from Mina, besides some whistling, I tried to smile, but I probably couldn't, I felt my face red. The boy stared at me in silence, unperturbed in the slightest. He opened his mouth to respond when someone yelled behind us.

"Hey you! I'm from 1B!" Another boy with spiky white hair and an irritated face also opened space in the crowd and approached Bakugou. "I heard you beat up the villains, so I came to hear it straight from your mouth! But I don't want to hear any more from an asshole like you. Don't embarrass us during the main event, do you hear me?"

The purple haired boy took advantage of the new commotion to grab my fingers that were holding his sleeve. He smiled at me, I could have sworn he would bite them as he started to bring towards his face, but then he dropped the fingers and walked away from us.

"OI". Bakugou's voice came out cavernously beside me. He totally ignored the white haired boy, but he would probably snap at me for the intrusion. Before it happened, Mina and Kirishima pulled us back into the class and closed the door.

"Now we get a lot of people who hate us!" shouted Kirishima, that, luckily for me, took Bakugou's focus away from me.

"None of that matters as long as you're at the top". Kacchan replied seriously, we all fell silent. Kirishima clenched his fists in excitement.

"So much masculinity in so much simplicity!" Said Kirishima.

Others in the room eventually agreed, but Kaminari pointed at him.

"Don't listen to this idiot, the only thing he did was create new enemies for no reason".

I couldn't disagree, he didn't have to say those things. But now I just wanted to get away from it and go home. One thing Bakugou was right, even if indirectly, being at the top was hard work, it was what everyone there wanted, I couldn't be left behind, as All Might said, I had to bring out the feeling of that day at the beach.

I glanced sideways to see that the movement in front of the door was slowing down and as people really started to disperse, I prepared to leave. Someone held me from behind. Wrapping the arms around my waist.

"After treating me like that? Girl, do you hear what you say?" Mina laughed. "Will we have another person with a broken heart for you?"

"Let go of me, Mina". I took my arm hyper mega embarrassed. I didn't know where she got those "one more people" from, unless she was telling Iida because of that "sweetie" joke.

"Not until you tell me everything!" Mina held me tightly, I dragged towards the door as tried to escape.

"There's nothing to tell! I tried to talk to him and was ignored".

Mina let go of me and I slammed into the door at the sudden release of weight.

"Poor thing, you got dumped".

My face got even redder. The room watched us, Kacchan glared at me, I understood him, the classroom of heroes didn't have to talk about boys. The futility of it next to the entire Sports Festival embarrassed me more than anything else.

"I didn't take any out! He's just a rival."

I slammed the door open, stepping through it and closing it. Walking away from there dissatisfied with what everyone who took this classroom seriously would be thinking of me.

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