Chapter 9 - Can I control it?

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After Todoroki said those weird things, I went back to the room. In the morning the classes were the usual, geography, history, English, etc. But Aizawa announced that we would choose our room representative. Everyone applied, including me, after all, being a representative of class 1 in the Heroes Course was something to put on your curriculum.

I was very surprised when I received 4 votes and I came in first, considering that everyone had voted for themselves, but the other three votes that I received from people who "abdicated" from the post: Todoroki, Iida and Uraraka. The runner-up, who would remain as an alternate, had been Momo, with two votes. When it came time to introduce myself, I was nervous and I stuttered, I was too embarrassed to speak like that in public. When I got back to my desk, it even gave me some relief.

At lunchtime, the four of us were talking, I thanked them for their votes.

"Thank you, I didn't think I would win. I know I applied, but now I don't know if I can do it..".

"Of course you can, Deku!" Uraraka said, joining her fists close to her body in enthusiasm.

"Your courage and decision-making in critical moments are necessary qualities, that's why I voted for you."

"Didn't you want to be too, Iida?" Asked Todoroki while putting rice in his mouth, he and Uraraka hadn't raised their hand to apply. "Your hand was the most raised".

"Wanting doesn't mean deserving. In the end..."

The alarm rang in our ears and then a voice of guidance.

"Alert Level 3. All students must evacuate the building immediately."

The seconds later were pure hysteria, students started pushing each other down the hall, I held Uraraka's hand, but with a shove we parted to opposite sides of the hall. I, Todoroki and Iida were pressed against the glass of the big windows, Todoroki got in front of me so no one could hurt me, his body was so close...

I kept my eyes closed because I was too embarrassed to face him in that situation.

"Hey, what's that?" He asked.

"It's the press!" Iida replied and then I opened my eyes to look, Aizawa and Present Mic were trying to stop several uncontrolled journalists from advancing.

I looked ahead again and really, Todoroki was in a close proximity far above the acceptable, he was looking to the side due to the uncomfortable situation. People kept pushing and he leaned hard on the glass not to get even closer to me, if that was possible. I had my head leaning against his shoulder, dead with embarrassment.

I was totally aloof from the world when I heard Iida scream.

"Uraraka, make me float!"

Iida with great force managed to touch Uraraka's hand, who came advancing from the other side of the corridor just pushing the others. When he started to float, he used his quirk, but this caused him to crash into the wall above the cafeteria door.

"Attention students!" He shouted and everyone looked. "Don't worry. It's just the press! There's no reason to panic. This is the U.A. let's act according to the best institution in the country!"

The students gradually began to calm down and take their course in a controlled manner. Uraraka released Iida from the float and as soon as the hallway began to empty, Todoroki walked away some steps from me. He didn't look nearly as embarrassed as I did.

He made a motion with his head down, and then lifted the collar of his uniform.

"My uniform got your scent, Midoriya" He smelled the uniform. I was going to explode with embarrassment, what peace of mind to say such things was that? I ran out of there without even saying anything, I think no normal person would be able to answer something of that level.

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