Chapter 2 - It's time to give up

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            I started struggling with all the strength I had, which unfortunately wasn't much, I couldn't think of anything but being alive, the things I still had to do. That I wanted to do.

"For God's sake girl, stop moving, it won't hurt anything. I'll borrow your body for a bit and then return it. We can even have fun a little later, what do you think?" He gave a villainous laugh. "If he thinks he could catch me in this liquid form he was totally mistaken."

That green goo started to wrap my whole body, it went up to my mouth, like it was trying to get into my throat. I started to run out of breath, I couldn't die to a disgusting pedophile villain. Please, please, someone save me. I cannot die here. Tears appeared in the corner of my eyes.

"Don't worry, my girl."

That voice.

"Because I'm here."

I didn't quite understand what happened, an absurd air pressure threw the villain away from me, I fell to the floor almost unconscious due to shortness of breath. It was him. All Might, I recognized him only by the voice and still didn't believe what I was seeing. He crouched down in front of me and shook me a little.

"Hey, wake up..."

I sat down with difficulty, I still couldn't breathe properly and I would say it was more from the nervousness of seeing him than because of the almost asphyxiation that the villain caused.

I tried to touch him to see if he was real.

"Hooooow?" My voice sounded squeaky. The question was more like" How, by God, I went to meet All Might in that city ", but he didn't understand it that way.

"The most important thing is that you're okay! Sorry to involve you in this, little girl, I think I was a little careless because I'm in unknown lands!"

All Might was a hulking man, his muscles exploded in his clothes, and his smile was huge, enough to light up that whole neighborhood, no, that whole city.

I still didn't know what to say when he showed me a 2 liter pet bottle with the villain in it as a disgusting liquid.

"But thanks to you I managed to capture him and we arrested the villain without any problems!"

He gave me a thumbs up signal with his other hand. My God, it's really him. He's so fantastic. He's here in the flesh. On TV he doesn't look as big as he really is, fantastic. My God.

I reached for my backpack.

"Please, may I have your autograph?"

When I picked up the notebook I was surprised that it was already signed. And filling an entire page! I bowed, I didn't want to look like a hysterical fan, but I think it was too late for that.

"MY GOD, THANK YOU SO MUCH! I'll treasure this as my most precious item!"

"Well, I need to head back. Heroes must constantly fight villains and time."

All Might turned, really seemed to be in a hurry. But I still wanted to ask him so much, I approached him, I couldn't let him go. I needed to ask that question.

"I count on you to continue supporting me in the future!"

He prepared to jump and without even thinking I ended up holding his leg, it was too fast, in microseconds we were at an absurd height and at high speed, the wind was hitting my face hard and I held it as if my life depended on it. Because it really depended. He looked at his legs, visibly uncomfortable.

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