Chapter 17 - Todoroki's past

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My toes hurt.

I'd like to say my concern was focused on Kacchan's withering gaze a few feet away in the stands, on Uraraka's distressed face, staring at me with suspicious eyes as I nibbled on a tuna onigiri I'd brought for lunch. Or even in Iida's analyzes of the previous proof. But as I chewed my body shivered with the uncomfortable and painful sensation.

We would have an hour break until the next competition and for me that felt horrible, more time for the pain to settle and take root, even to silently rebel in a "damn girl, heal me". But I knew, if I went to Recovery Girl, she would immobilize me and I wouldn't be able to do the next level. She said that even with her quirk, in case of broken bones, rest was still necessary for at least 1 day.

I hadn't even finished chewing when Momo arrived bringing the cheerleading uniforms for us to participate in the Cheerleading Battle that Kaminari and Mineta said would be mandatory for the girls, Momo herself made a fabric fitting room and metal stand with her quirk and we changed right there.

"Midoriya, you don't have to make this face! You look beautiful with the cheerleading outfit, more feminine!!" Said Mina.

I couldn't tell them that the face was from the pain, but actually the clothes were a little uncomfortable, both the blouse and the skirt were too short. When we left the dressing room we heard an exclamation of surprise from one of the boys. I felt my face redden, Uraraka took my arm.

"You look so cute, Uraraka". Said, that kind of outfit suited her SO MUCH. Ochako also blushed.

"Are you sure you liked it? I thought it was too small". She tried to pull her skirt down a little, which made her belly more exposed. "You were also... good-looking!"

I chuckled, because even the tremor of laughter sent shivers coming from my toes.

"By the way, "good-looking" is the last thing it sounds like".

"No! It really is!" Her face turned red as a pepper. "You always wear baggy clothes, even your heroine uniform. Kind of seeing you like that made you even sexier".

This time it was my turn to blush. Sexy? This was new.

I was thinking about what I would answer when Todoroki approached and called me to talk somewhere else. From the seriousness on his face, I didn't expect it to be a good thing. I tried to follow in his footsteps, but twice he had to stop and look back because of my speed. Until he apparently got tired, came to me and lifted me in his lap.

"TODOROKI!" I yelled.

"We don't have all day. And I need to talk to you".

His face was still impassive. It was nothing to him, nothing to be ashamed of. Todoroki was practical.

A howl of celebration and excitement came from the entire audience and only then did I see that the scene of him carrying me was being played on the big screen. I tried to beg him to put me down, but to no avail. I turned my red face to his shoulder and buried myself there. Was it possible to feel such embarrassment?

"Are you going to compete even with a broken foot?" He asked, so he had noticed.

"It's not the whole foot". I said, the sound being muffled by the fabric of his shirt. "I can go on."

After descending a long flight of steps that had me fidgeting in his arms, he stopped in the hallway under the bleachers. The sound of the audience was muffled and they had probably already changed the focus of the screen, since there were no cameras here.

He put me down.

"I hope all this chaos makes some sense, Todoroki!" I said a little squeaky, unhappy with the way I had been brought there.

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