Chapter 4 - Admission exam!

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I had changed into a sports outfit and now I was standing in front of the fake city gate along with the other candidates in my group. I was starting to get really nervous. And that city was so huge that it was hard to call it scenery.

My stomach started to hurt, I had to take a deep breath. A few meters from me I saw the girl who helped me also waiting. She seemed a little nervous, maybe if we talk a little, both would be calm. I started walking towards her, but I felt someone take me by the shoulder:

"Who exactly are you?"

I turned around, that "know-all" with glasses and blue, almost black, hair. His face was very square and he had a serious expression.

"Did you come here to hinder other competitors?"

His hand was still resting on my shoulder, I didn't like very much that strange men touched me. In fact, it was inelegant. I took his hand in mine.

"I came here to do my best, just like you. I was just going to talk to a friend, you don't have to be so neurotic."

Some people were staring at the two of us, apparently they weren't taking me too seriously as a competitor. The smartass went red because I took his hand. So I let go and went to another corner.

"What are you waiting for? Nobody said they would count down in a real battle! Run! Start the game!" Present Mic shouted.

Everyone ran like crazy and I found myself late, I had little reaction and was already several steps behind everyone. I needed to calm down and make it happen. When the first robot appeared in front of me I came across the first problem, although All Might had told me that I should take the power out of my guts and scream, I didn't exactly know how to use a power that had never been mine for those 15 years old. The robot turned its sights on me and I froze with fear. And now?

A laser beam destroyed the robot in two. He was a thin blonde with neat hair.

"Merci. It was great teamwork. However, I believe that we will not see each other again."

He left and I stayed there. Each minute the number of robots was decreasing and I couldn't destroy any, wherever I went I saw people counting how many they had defeated. Was that it? It would disappoint All Might and prove that Kacchan was right. Just useless. Desperation washed over me.

The ground started to shake and a gigantic robot appeared. It was bigger than a building, the ground was completely destroyed and many ran away, I also started running, but something stopped me abruptly, that girl from before, the one who helped me, had fallen into the rubble and the robot was approaching her.

She would get crushed, that was just an exam, would they let that happen? No one was coming, not even other candidates. I felt something burn all over my body and ran towards the robot.

I boosted and with a single jump I was already at the height of the robot's head. I didn't know exactly what to do, but I was inspired by All Might himself and punched the robot with all my strength, automatically it shattered with the force of the blow and started to fall backwards. Had I really done that? My punch totally smashed his head and his giant body was pushed back. All with a single punch of mine?

I started to fall from the height of a building, and now we had another problem. My legs and my right arm were broken. Only now did the absurd pain hit me and I threw up as I fell. It was obvious, I had only been training for 10 months, I was not prepared to fully use the power of All Might. That was it, so would I die there, with no points on the exam?

I was almost reaching the ground when I felt a slap on my shoulder, that girl floated beside me in a piece of the robot and before I hit the ground, I also started to float. I leaned slowly between the wreckage. The pain was unbearable, but maybe I still scored a single point. I cried and my condition was unfortunate, but at least I was alive to keep trying.

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