Chapter 6 - Extra - It's time to be the bad guy

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Pov: Iida

I was happy and excited, there was no way the school year started better. On the first day of school, after not being expelled (which didn't even make sense), I went to a coffee shop with two classmates.

To tell the truth, I wasn't used to it, hanging out with girls, in the old school, some usually ignored me or laughed in the corners, it was too immature, however I believe it was inevitable since we were in elementary school. Now in high school I just expected a little more maturity.

The coffee shop was quiet, Uraraka was one of the cutest girls I had ever met, she had pink cheeks and spoke her mind. Midoriya, on the other hand, seemed to think a lot before speaking, while emanating a different energy, it was as if something in her screamed for me to take her side. And there was also something curious about her personality, she asked to call her "my sweetie", that was very strange and even a little exaggerated (or would it be inappropriate?) for classmates, but there must have been some reason, besides moreover, that same feeling made me want to follow everything she said.

The next day we were informed about combat training, Uraraka wore a tight-fitting outfit that made me embarrassed just looking at it, how could the girls wear that? Midoriya came running late, her outfit was a little baggy, but she had long ears and something that looked like big teeth. A rabbit? Could it be that she could jump so high? No use trying to guess, just ask.

"Are you a rabbit, my sweetie?" I approached the two of them, everyone was silent and looked at us.

Midoriya had completely stopped moving and Uraraka was all red in the face. I was waiting for the answer that didn't come until All Might said:

"Ha, this youth is really wonderful. But let's get started, my prototype heroes! It's time for combat training!"

I ended up in a duo with Bakugo, a very angry boy. We would be villains, he seemed not quite sane, but I hoped he would take the training seriously. We would go against Midoriya and Uraraka.

Bakugo and I walked in silence to the room that was the bomb, Bakugo was walking in a heavy way, making a noise that echoed down the corridor. When we got there we saw a very stereotyped cartoon-style bomb twice our size.

"It might just be an exercise, but I don't like being a villain," I said aloud. "Even if I just need to protect this thing..."

I was interrupted, Bakugo who had been silent until then, pulled me by the part of my armor that protected my neck.

"My sweetie", huh? Are you dating that fucking nerd now? So she developed a quirk and told you, yeah? You knew she had that shit."

Bakugo was angrier than I saw him in those two days, there were so many questions that I wasn't even sure what exactly annoyed him, but one thing was for sure, he had something with Midoriya, maybe she had denied some declaration of love when they were younger? Because the way he wasn't just anger, it was kind of choked up.

"Of course I saw, we took the entrance exam in the same team. She's amazing, even though quirk is at high risk. Anyway, you're going to attack her head on, aren't you?"

He let go of me and let loose a lot of curses and bad words that you don't expect from a student.

"We're not dating, in case it matters for this training. The first time I talked to her properly was yesterday, but it would be no offense to date her, unlike what you said. If she's a nerd then it's just one of the qualities besides being hardworking and very pretty."

Bakugo stared at me as if I were an insect, but said nothing. As soon as All Might told us we could get started, he sprinted out of the room and left me there alone. That was no surprise, the boy didn't even know how to work in a team. If he was going to go after Midoriya, I wouldn't have to worry, I had to fix Uraraka's quirk, I would take everything out of the room that she could levitate.

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