Chapter 9 - Extra - Planning Day

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POV: All Might

I was at school planning training for the next month when I got a call from Young Midoriya, it was rare for her to call me, even when it came to our training, I noticed that she was still afraid to bother me. Flustered, she said that had managed to control her strength. Excited, without thinking too much, I told her to go immediately to the U.A.

I looked at the paperwork in front of me, this would have to be left for later.

"Was it Midoriya that you ordered to come here?" Aizawa appeared behind me and I straightened my spine. "A weekend training? We cannot favor any student, it is unprofessional to put personal feelings into your role as a teacher".

"Haha, don't worry, Aizawa" I got up quickly from the table. "I just need to take a quick look at something she said, I won't favor her in any way".

I started to walk towards the door in stiff steps to get away from him when I heard:

"And the planning? It needs to be ready by the end of the day".

"It will stay, it will". I gave an encouraging laugh so that he would have confidence in me, but his face was just the opposite, I got out of there very quickly.

Not half an hour later Midoriya appeared at the school gate in running clothes and sweaty. We went to the drinks machine to get her some water while she told me how she had managed to use her Quirk.

"Then, bang, out of nowhere I was at the door and my leg just tingled, but it hadn't broken. It was amazing, All Might!"

"Let's test it right now!" I replied excitedly in my stuffed form.

We went to the back of the school where the students had taken their first day's physical test.

"The best way is not to risk it, try to create air pressure using a flick with your finger, Midoriya."

"All right!" She responded. Even tired from running, I could see how the girl went into full concentration mode, her face became serious and she seemed to be 100% focused. Midoriya positioned herself and after a few seconds she flicked, the air pressure was huge, I could hear the bones of his index finger breaking.

She held his hand, didn't cry, but a few tears of pain appeared in the corners of her eyes:

"I think it didn't work out very well". She had a disappointed smile on her face. The girl was pretty good at taking pain.

"I wonder why? You had it, what did you do differently?"

"I don't know, All Might, maybe it was too much strength for one finger?"

"You got it because you weren't thinking about it". Aizawa walked towards us. "I followed you and listened to your story of a teenager who should be at home doing her homework and instead went to have tea at someone else's house". Aizawa arrived at Midoriya's side and took her hand to see the broken finger. "You think too much about how to control and then you end up not controlling. When it acts naturally your own body adapts".

That made sense. Really Midoriya thought too much for everything she was going to do.

"And how do I not think about it?" she asked.

"And why would I know? It wasn't me who gave you that power".

They both looked at me and once again I straightened my spine. That was more complicated than defeating a villain.

"Well" I coughed to clear my throat. "That's it, you have to go there and do it, you can't think too much. Let your body respond."

"All right, All Might! Go there and do it, got it!" Midoriya replied excitedly. But Aizawa looked at me sarcastically.

"Go there and do another time, now go to the infirmary for Recovery Girl to heal that finger, you're lucky she's here today because of the school planning that all teachers should be doing". He looked at me.

Midoriya nodded and ran to the infirmary, but before she looked back.

"All Might, after you finish your planning, I need to say something very important to you".

"Okay, young Midoriya! Come to the staff room as soon as you leave the infirmary!"

She continued on her way. Aizawa and I went back to the teachers' lounge.

When she came back, I was still stuck on that paperwork. Only the three of us were left there.

"Aizawa, so you know the secret?" She must have been referring to One for All.


"From here at school only he, Recovery Girl and the Headmaster know."

"And Kacchan" She completed.

"What?" I ended up speaking in a louder tone, unconsciously crumpled the papers in front of me.

"Sorry, All Might" She bowed. "This is what I needed to tell you, I told Bakugo. In fact, I haven't even told my mom about having a Quirk yet, but I needed to be honest with him, ok he didn't believe me..."

I sighed, I believed that with Midoriya we wouldn't have this problem because she isn't showy or arrogant, however I hadn't thought about the issue of being too sincere.

"All right, but understand, it's essential that you don't tell anyone. If the world finds out about this, it will put your life and society at risk. It will attract the most diverse types of evil people behind this quirk. Glad he didn't believe it, don't mention it to him again. You have to reflect on the weight of having this power, you know?"

Midoriya, who was still bowing, looked at me with a tearful face.

"Got it... sorry, All Might."

I patted her on the back.

"Now go home and do your homework. And think about what I said."

After nodding, still crying, Midoriya said goodbye and left the staff room. I forgot that she was only 15, I would have to be much firmer with her. I sighed. I didn't know how to be firmer.

"She didn't tell her mother about the quirk" Aizawa, who had remained silent until now, commented. "But she thought it was necessary to tell Bakugo. These two will still give us a lot of headache. Mostly for you".

"It will be? A healthy rivalry is always important".

"Hunf, if it were healthy."

He replied. Thinking about it, that training in the buildings hadn't been healthy at all. I rested my head on the table. What would I do with these kids?

"I'm leaving, finish this paperwork before you go."


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