Special Chapter - Happy Birthday

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The first time I published this chapter was on 15th July of 2020 to commemorate the Midoriya's birthday. Hope you enjoy.


POV: Bakugo

I was lying down in bed, today was the 15th of July, that elementary shit is over and now I was waiting for the day to start studying at U.A. The weather remained warm as it usually is in July, even with a tank top and a fan in my face, I was still sweating, listening to music with headphones. That day my desire to do anything was close to zero.

I put my hand on my cheek where Midoriya punched that day behind the gym, it was the first time in our life together that she did such a thing. What did that useless think? I went to my desk drawer, at the bottom of it was a white handkerchief, I unwrapped it and a hair clip with the face of All Might showed up. In reality, I only used to remember that this shit existed at that date of the year. I don't know why I haven't thrown it out yet.

That was seven years ago, when we were both 8 years old. On summer holidays we spent the whole day playing in the street, from dawn until dark. This when we weren't going to have dinner at each other's house. It was one of the last summers before we started to get away.

We were eating ice cream at the playground, me, Midoriya, Susumo, Toya and Hiroki. Midoriya was the only girl in the group, but the others were not uncomfortable talking to her there, it was almost as if she were just another boy.
"The best part of not going to school is not having to put up with those girls all screaming and following Bakugou." Said Toya, we all studied in the same elementary school and it was undeniable that I was the most popular boy there, after all, my quirk was incredible.

"Well, I can't help it, Toya" I puffed out my chest. "I am very amazing!"

"And you, Midoriya, are also one of those girls following Bakugou because think he's incredible?"

That sudden question made the whole group open their eyes wide, Toya was a nosy bastard, that was it. Midoriya looked at me and then at Toya, she wasn't even embarrassed, in fact I didn't even want to hear her answer, it was obvious that she also found me incredible.

"How about we play hide and seek?" Hikori interrupted before Midoriya answered, all of us, except her, knew that Hikori liked her. That was really annoying. Who did she think that was more incredible? I put my hand in my pocket and felt the volume of something I had brought, today was her birthday. I was sure that Hikori was also waiting for the moment, as Toya and Susumo were too stupid to remember anyone's birthday.

"I'm in, but Midoriya is going to start counting." I said.

"Kaaacchan..." Midoriya complained, she hated being the seeker, she was terrible and almost always lost. Okay that she almost always lost when it came to being one of the hiders, especially by me.

As we all agreed that she was going to start, we went to the woods nearby, she leaned on the tree and started to count. We all split up to hide, each in a corner, the only rule was always to stay in that little forest, we couldn't go outside. A small stream passed in the middle. Every time I conduced my hand in the pocket.. I sure as hell wouldn't give it to her if she found that idiot Hikori first.

I was hidden near some big roots, almost under them. Time passed and Midoriya never appeared, I started to get really impatient, even nervous. I would go after that useless one.

It didn't take long to find her, she was sitting on the floor crying.

"Há, did you get lost, Deku?" I arrived with a puffed chest, after all, only myself to come to her rescue. Her arm had a small burn mark, it made me lose my temper, Hiroki had a quirk of fire. "Hey, what is that?"
I took her arm to see the wound, but she took it away from me abruptly.

"I fell while looking for you" Midoriya tried to control the crying, got up and started cleaning the dirt from the clothes. Her burnt arm shook slightly.

"This is not a fall injury." I was so angry that I took her by the arm again. "Did somebody do this to you?"

"Let me go, Kacchan. I don't need your help, I'm fine!"

Again she took her arm away, it was not the first time she had put me down. There was also that time that I fell in the stream and she thought I would need help for something so stupid. And now she clearly said that I would be unable to resolve such a simple thing. And the most irritating thing, she was covering up for Hikori, does that mean that he was the favorite of the group?

The rage was so big that I pushed her back to the ground.

"You are useless, Midoriya, you don't even know how to play hide and seek."

I went away and left her there, I was so angry!

I tightened the clip in my hand. Still with the same hatred. In the end, even now after all these years I had never found out what happened that day, Midoriya never talked about it and Hikori never came to play with us again.

"Will you give it this year, idiot?" I startled by my mother's sudden voice at the door. What the fuck, no one knew how to knock in that house. I put the clip back in the drawer and closed it.

"Get out of my room." Said returning to bed.

She laughed.

"Ha, what a pity, my stupid son will die alone. These teenagers..."

What an old bore from hell, as if I had any intention of staying with Midoriya, she just pissed me off because she thought was better than me. I turned up the volume on my headphones to the maximum to ward off all those thoughts about the most boring day of the year.

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