Chapter 15 - Extra - Class 1-B.ollocks

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POV: Bakugou

I could barely think in my rage when the race was over. First place was supposed to be mine, if that shitty nerd hadn't distracted me. She was annoying as she had won, practically screaming in my face that she didn't even need her powers to win. I saw her speed her way when she went to my house, in the blink of an eye she got away from me, and now she's going to make a big deal out of finding alternative ways to win.

This and that damn half-and-half that won't get out of my way. I would destroy both.

When they announced the second test and each participant's score, I stared at her. Deku would need a strike team to protect herself, and the idiot was only recruiting useless ones. I turned around, it would be easier to attack her.

"Hey, let's make a team". The pink girl approached and other suckers who didn't know the name, including the one with spiky red hair who followed me on the day of the attack at the training center.

"Todoroki already joined a team while you're there asking the quirk of others". He approached smiling. "We will be an unbeatable team, attack and defense together. And let's go after Midoriya to take those 100 points!"

"This is going to be a big, more aggressive tag. I'll be helpful too". A guy with a roll of tape on his elbow approached us.

I agreed to join the team.

We were taken to a huge field with several small towers to hide and use as difficulty in hunting, in the center there was a circle with bars to throw the armbands. Each team would start in their own corner space and when Midnight informed us that we could be rough the start alarm rang.

Because of the towers, I couldn't see where that shitty geek and the half-and-half started, but right away a team of extras attacked us. I ripped the armband off one of them with as much ease as you'd expect, and the guy with the elbow, whose name is Sero, tied them up so we could go to the center and take them.

Then I saw her, wearing a jetpack holding a birdface guy with her legs, dodging another with arms like wings and silver hair. The floating girl had just gotten her foot stuck in a purple ball and couldn't reach Deku.

I advanced on them as my team followed. We had already agreed that we would attack them, so I couldn't be criticized for acting on impulse going after her like they said in our first training.

The one with the strange arms was immobilized by ropes that came out of support equipment thrown by a pink-haired girl and she used a Midoriya-like jetpack to bring the armband to the center.

I jumped towards Deku

"Stop being so full of yourself, you little shit". I prepared an explosion to hit her. But the burst was stopped by a shadow. As I started to fall, Sero pulled me with his ribbon. Before I hit the ground I felt pressure on my arm and when I turned around a blond guy with lank bangs was holding my armband in his hand.

"Easy as taking candy from a child".

"WHAT THE FUCK! You motherfucker piece of shit. Give this back before I kill you".

"Quick, let's get him before he takes it to prison". Mina shouted.

But the boy instead of running away with his team started an unhappy speech about having used the previous test to look at our quirks. I could barely understand how angry I was.

"I'll take you to the grave".

Sero tried to grab him with the tape, but meanwhile he was held by giant hands that immobilized him completely, it was someone from that motherfucker's team. Mina tried to stop it by throwing acid, but he and the armband were thrown into the prison. Our team lost 20 points and I could see from the score that in less than five minutes four teams had already been eliminated completely. There were still ten minutes left and seven teams with their points intact or partial.

"Kirishima, before Deku, let's kill these motherfuckers".

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