Chapter 22 - Extra

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Pov: Iida

I found him. I knew that at some point I was going to get that, the city wasn't even that big, but I didn't imagine it would be on the third day of the internship. There he was, with the red scarf and blood everywhere – Stain, the hero killer.

And I'd just stopped him from killing yet another hero, but he wasn't taking me seriously, calling me a kid in uniform, telling me to go away. Stain was as horrible-looking as I'd imagined.

"You attacked my brother, the best hero I've ever known! And I'll stop you in his place, so don't forget our name: Ingenium".

"Well, are you his brother? I'll finish that day's work and kill you instead".

Even though I said I would defeat him in a matter of seconds I was on the ground, and Stain was stepping on my back as he thrust his katana into my hand. The pain was searing, but it didn't compare to everything else—the realization that I would die without avenging my brother.

I was immobilized and ready to take the final blow when something pushed Stain away.

"I came to save you, Iida."

It was Midoriya, my heart raced.


If it was bad enough that I died without completing the quest, it would be even worse if we both died.

"Get out of here, Midoriya! You have nothing to do with it".

"Not really, but I've been told before that I'm quite nosy" She made a sign of "peace and love to me". "Can't get up?"

"It has something to do with his quirk".

"Beautiful. His friend coming to save him," Stain said. "Then I will kill them both. The weak must die.

I could see Midoriya's horror face, Stain had a murderous presence we had never seen before.

"Midoriya, please! Go away from here. run away! This fight is mine!"

Please, please, I couldn't bear that my last memory in this life was to see her die.

No matter how much I tried to move, my body didn't react. Midoriya advanced on Stain and it was one of the scariest things I've ever seen, she moved so fast and gracefully... How did she evolve all that in just three days of internship? When she punched him and Stain went to the ground I almost believed we would have a chance, but he licked his katana and Midoriya stopped moving at once. How did his quirk work? Come on, Iida, think! Probably Midoriya had already found out.

"Your power wasn't enough," Stain told her. "You couldn't outrun my moves. Just by looking I knew you would try to attack me out of my line of sight and try to take me down with one precise blow. Young people who just chatter are worthless... but you are different, for now I will not mow you down". Stain bent down and ran his thumb over her cheek. "Those two... I don't say the same."

Stain got up and started walking towards me. Midoriya yelled at him to stop. But before he could attack me a wave of ice pushed him away.

"Midoriya, you could have explained better, so I would have come faster." And there he was, Todoroki, with his cell phone in his hand.

I don't know if I was happy or more desperate to see him there. And no matter how much I screamed, neither of them heard me, so Midoriya managed to get away and discover that the villain quirk had to do with blood and blood type.

Todoroki and Midoriya were giving Stain trouble, but it wasn't enough. Every minute the two got more tired and the villain showed no signs of tiredness, just impatience.

"Please stop!" I shouted.

"If you want to stop us, then stand up!" shouted Todoroki. "And keep the vision of the hero you want to be!"

I had never seen Todoroki so angry, or speak so loudly, not even when he fought Midoriya, but he was right. What kind of hero did I want to be? That only watched your friends die?

I remembered the time I asked my brother why he wanted to be a hero and he said if I admired him, he must really be an amazing hero.

I was an amateur.

It didn't even come close to my brother's feet, there, watching my friends bleed for my inconsequential acts.

If I didn't get up now I would never get to his feet, Midoriya's feet. And I had promised her that we would be rivals.

We would defeat that villain.


Pov: Todoroki

I thought we had totally defeated Stain, but when a flying nomu grabbed Midoriya, he was the one who managed to break free and cut off Nomu's head. My heart froze, he had Midoriya at his feet.

My dad tried to get closer to him and he pressed her even closer to the floor.

"Another fraud," Stain said to my father, his voice cavernous and frightening. "Frauds must be repaired. Someone must be stained with their blood... The expression "hero" must be restored. Come everybody! And try to defeat me, you frauds! The only hero allowed to defeat me is All Might!"

And out of nowhere, Stain stopped talking. He had become unconscious.


Later Iida and I walked down the hospital corridor looking for Midoriya's room, we were not put in it because she is a girl. I understood, but I preferred her to be close to me, so I could see if she was okay.

When we found the room, she was sitting on the bed, reading. Seeing us she closed the book and smiled.

"Iida, Todoroki! I wish I could have come to you, but to tell you the truth my leg is still hurting a little". She pointed to her bandaged leg. "If Stain wanted to, he would have killed me. He would have killed the three of us".

"Yes, he would have," I replied, approaching her. I sat on the edge of the bed, but Iida remained standing.

"Sorry, Iida, I should have been more incisive when I noticed you weren't well".

Iida didn't react, his face went pale and he suddenly threw himself on the floor, in an apologetic position with his head resting on the floor.

"I owe you both an apology! It was my responsibility what happened!"

Midoriya crawled to the edge of the bed to look at him on the floor.

"I think I can forgive you this time. But you can tell me, you know? You two can tell me your feelings. Why do I need to be spanked every time you are hurting?" She laughed, and to my surprise, she reached one hand to Iida's head and took mine with the other. "Family problems, grudges, wild plans for revenge. We are friends, you need to tell me things, sometimes talking is the fastest way to solve something, oddly enough. And I think would actually avoid a few broken bones".

When it was over Iida was crying, as was she. I didn't even remember the last time I cried, but I squeezed her hand so hard that Midoriya looked at me and pulled me into a hug.

"Promise you'll tell me things?" Midoriya put his hand in my hair, I held her by the waist. My heart beat so fast.

"I promise".

I wanted to tell her right now about my first visit to my mother and how she had forgiven me. But the door opened.

It was the police investigator and tutors for Iida and Midoriya. They told us that in order not to be penalized my father would have to take all the credit for defeating Stain, that we would have to keep it a secret. The whole proposition was ridiculous, being blamed for saving others. But we agreed, that would be our secret.

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