Chapter 20 - Extra 1 - A moment to think

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POV: Todoroki

I wasn't surprised to see my dad blocking the way in the hallway just as I got out of the fight with Midoriya. I was tired and sore, but far beyond that, my concern for her screamed inside me. When I saw her lying outside the arena I realized that I didn't even want to hurt her like that. I had exaggerated.

"What you want?" My voice came out cold.

"The fight now was proof that you can go much further with my power. I believe you will now stop this ridiculous childishness".

I clenched my teeth and fists.

His power.

The memory of Midoriya screaming came back to my mind.

"It's yours, the power is yours"

"Get out of my way," I replied. He didn't leave, waiting for an answer. I sighed. "I don't know what I'm going to do. Need to think".

"Think about whether you want to be mediocre or not?"

"Thinking if... forget it, just get out of my way. I need to prepare for the next fight".

I dodged him, this time not stopping me. I couldn't even formulate what needed to think, the memories of my mother invading me, my father's aggression, Midoriya's insistence. I wasn't supposed to have used the Fire Quirk, I had used it and she'd been hurt. That was what it meant to get involved with whatever came from him.

I had promised I would never use that Quirk in combat, but Midoriya – with his big, green, tearful gaze; her worried screaming and her self-mutilation – made me forget everything I had ever said to myself, in that moment the only thing that mattered was the desire to live up to her expectations, to show that I would beat her and be the number one hero.

I went to the locker room to change my clothes and hoped to have time to visit her in the infirmary, but I met Uraraka on the way and she said that Midoriya would undergo hand surgery, my heart went cold. Present Mic announced that the battles would continue and we could prepare.


I couldn't help but think of her, going through the surgery.

I couldn't help but think about my mother, the daily despair, the physical, emotional and psychological violence she suffered.

I couldn't help but think of my dad's angry face every time I didn't live up to his expectations in training.

Iida ran back and forth in the battle, but I dodged mechanically, trying to freeze him. He tried to attack me at close range and I held onto his leg, freezing his entire lower body.

"Just because I tend to attack from a distance doesn't mean I can't defend myself at close range".

I waited for Present Mic to announce my victory before heading out to the infirmary.


"What the fuck are you doing here?"

Bakugo came out of the infirmary where Midoriya was.

"They said that Midoriya would undergo surgery".

"And?" Bakugo didn't yell as usual, he even seemed to respect the silence that the infirmary demanded.

"Was she all right?"

"And how will I know?"

I arched my brow. Hadn't he just come out of there?

"All right, excuse me." I went to push his shoulder so I could enter the door. Bakugo suddenly grabbed me by the collar and leaned me against the opposite wall. I didn't react, my willingness to deal with his outbreaks was the same as I had to deal with my father.

"She's sleeping. Don't disturb her".

I held his hand tightly.

"I thought you didn't know," I said and Bakugo practically growled in my face, I couldn't have chosen a better expression for how he reacted. "Was she always like this? Going to extreme lengths to lighten others' burdens?"

He seemed to be irritated by the question, as if he was trying to force the answer out of himself.

"Always," he growled and let go of me, walking away down the hall, but before turning the corner he glanced over his shoulder at me. "Use your damn quirk on me, or I'll kill you".

And off he went.

I looked at the infirmary door. I wanted so badly to enter, but I turned my back and left to wait for the next battle, I already knew, my final opponent would be Bakugo.

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