Chapter 21 - Extra

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Pov: Uraraka

My hands were shaking on the door handle I had just turned. It was just my kitnet handle, but something was wrong, because it was unlocked. I went out to buy some things at the market and I was pretty sure I had locked the door. I always check!!

I opened the door slowly getting ready to face the thief when two people came running towards me and I felt a strange sensation in my eyes. Strange but familiar. Mom was stretching my eyes with her quirk. She could stretch anything, organic matter or not, alive or not, and then get it back to normal.

"You should have warned me! Did they come by shinkansen?"

I mentally started to do the math on how much they spent to be there. From the intercity passage to the expense of the taxi and snacks along the way. My heart tightened.

"As if we weren't going to visit our pretty fighter!"

My mom pulled me into a hug and I held her tightly to her back. My parents came because they were worried after the beating I took. I held back tears in front of them, but I must have sniffled too loudly, because my mother pulled me away and kissed my forehead.

"What will my independent girl who lives alone cook for her parents who came to visit?" She smiled.

"My specialty at the moment is omelet and instant noodles!"

My parents laughed. But my mother vehemently denied it and said she would teach me how to make good rice.


Pov: Iida

The day before, when I rushed to the hospital, the doctor said that my brother had not died by luck, that if the surgery had taken a few more seconds to arrive, he would not have survived. That we needed to be grateful to the first responders.

Grateful... for sure I was, for the excellent work that everyone showed from the moment we walked in there. But it was hard not to be overwhelmed by bad feelings. Hatred, rancor, sadness. I felt my throat constrict as I remembered him groggy after the surgery apologizing for being beaten. What world did we live in that a hero needed to apologize for? Feeling guilty and less honoured.

I clutched my cell phone in my hands. Sporadically it would beep with some message from Midoriya that I didn't feel well enough to read.

Sitting in the escort chair, I alternated between watching my brother's chest rise and fall slowly and searching the internet for the villain who had attacked him. Stain, the hero killer. Big brother hadn't been his first victim, and he'd hardly be his last.

But I would make it one of the last.


Pov: Todoroki

"Why now after so long? Won't you tell dad?"

My sister would chase me around the house as I finished picking up my things and putting on my sneakers.

"I won't tell him, and I'm counting on your cooperation not to tell either".

I finished getting ready and left the house closing the door on my sister's incredulous face. I could understand what all the commotion was about, it would be the first time since the incident that I would see my mother. After all that, my father had put her in a psychological rehabilitation house and forbade me to visit her, because according to him "she was unstable". After a few years had passed, I myself avoided going there. I was afraid and ashamed and guilty—I had been the cause of her madness and instability, my face, my appearance, my existence. How could I just appear in front of her?

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