For Jackie (Steve)

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Jackie's POV

"Hey Steve, I'm pregnant, and its yours." I said to myself in the mirror, for like the 10th billion time this week. I hadn't know long, only a few weeks. "Oh, and I'm keeping it. And I want you to be a part of their life, if that's okay." I added.

I nodded. "Okay, seems good. Now go." I said staring at the door blocking me from my boyfriend and brother, who are in the living room.

I didn't move. I sighed. "Okay, c'mon, Jackie, go." I said. "Okay, unlock the door." I said as I narrated myself. I laughed at myself. "Okay, now go."

I opened the door and started walking out to see them sitting on the couch. Steve stood up when he saw me and smiled walking over to me.

"What did you wanna tell me?"

I sighed. "Well, first, you should sit down." I said pushing him back a little.

His smile fell to a confused expression, but he still sat down. "You aren't breaking up with me, right."

"No, nothing like that," I reassured him. "I'm just gonna do this quick."

Then Two-Bit walked in. Damn it, I waited too long! Now I have to tell my brother and my boyfriend.

"Hey Jackie, Steve. What's going on?"

"Jackie was gonna tell me something, it's important." Steve answered.

"Cool, I'll just go-"

"No, wait, I can just tell both of you." I said. I made him sit down too.

I closed my eyes, maybe that will make it easier.

"Okay, Tow-Bit, Steve, I'm pregnant." I said quickly. I opened one of my eyes and saw how shocked they were and I closed it again. "And I'm keeping it."

They sat there for a bit. I looked at Two-Bit and he was glaring at Steve and Steve was staring at the ground with a surprised look. I walked away to get something to eat.

That could've been worse.

*Nine Months Later*

Steve's POV

I still can't believe I got Jackie pregnant. And I can't believe Two-Bit didn't kill me once he heard. Now Jackie and I are living in an apartment that I'm paying for, I got an extra shift at the gas station.

"STEVE!" I heard Jackie cry out.

I ran to the living room where I saw her doubled over in pain, her eyes closed.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"The baby's coming." She groaned.

Shit. I wasn't ready for that. I also wasn't ready for what I asked after. "Like, now?"

She glared at me. "No, like yesterday. Yes, now!" She yelled.

I helped her to the car (we borrowed it from Dally, who got it from Buck, only until this situation happened) and we already had a bag in there. I started driving and traffic was being a bitch.

"C'mon!" I yelled, honking the horn.

"Steve, it hurts." She sobbed from back seat.

"I know, I'm sorry babe, we're almost there."

About forever later, we finally got to the hospital, and they brought us to a room and they said she had to start pushing.

She started shaking her head, her brown hair sticking to her forehead. "I don't want to." She whimpered.

"You have to, sweetheart. I know it's scary, but you have to." The doctor said.

All I could do was hold her hand, I couldn't stop what was happening. I tried to comfort her, but I didn't know what to do.

"You're doing great. One more and this should be it." The doctor reassured her.

Jackie squeezed my hand harder than ever and I tried to act like she wasn't breaking my fingers. She finally relaxed and I heard a tiny cry that made me smile.

"It's a boy." One of the nurses said.

"You did it. You did it. You did it." I repeated as I showered her sweaty face with kisses as she smiled tiredly.

I went to cut the cord and they cleaned him up and wrapped him in a blue fuzzy blanket.

"What's his name?" The doctor asked.

"Y/S/N." We said at the same time.

He has Jackie's dark eyes and my hair. So, in other words, he's perfect.


I hope you like it Jackie. I didn't know how you wanted it

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