For Diana

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Diana's P.O.V.

I woke up this morning and looked at my mirror and saw my brown hair staticed to  my pillow.  I walked up and put on my t-shirt and jeans.

"Bye mom, bye dad." I said as I walked out of the house and to my school.

When I got to Will Rogers High School I walked to my locker and saw my crush, Ponyboy Curtis.  He's so cute.  I wish I could talk to him.  The weird thing is that I'm friends with all the guys hes friends with.  But, I don't talk to him.

I got my books and walked to my first class.  My favorite, English, not only that, but Ponyboy is in this class!!!  I sat down near the back, so I can do my regular daydreaming.

Class started and I opened my sketch book because I already finished our pop quiz.  I started doodling 'Diana Curtis' in different fonts.  I started drawing some hearts when I heard Mr, Simon talking.

"Alright class," He started making me look up. "We have a new project and you all will have partners.  I have already chosen pairs for you.  First partnership is Ponyboy and Diana." Once he said my name I tuned him out.  I looked over to him and he smiled at me.  I smiled too and looked down at my book.

After school I went to my locker.  Once I closed it I saw Ponyboy standing there.  I screamed from suprise. "Woah, sorry I didn't wanna scare you.  I just wanted to ask if you wanted to go to my house so we can start the project." He offered.

I shrugged and just let him take me to his house.  I can't believe this is happening, I'm going to Ponyboy Curtis' house!

When we finally got to his house I walked in after him.  I saw one my good friend Two-Bit sitting on his couch.

"Hey Diana!  What are you doin' here?" TwoBit asked me.

"We have a project to do Two.  Hey, how do you know Diana?" Pony asked.  Two-Bit looked between us.

"Me and Diana are friends.  I didn't know you guys started dat-" He started before I cut him off by shaking my head. "Nevermind." He said.  I mouthed a thank you.

Ponyboy looked back at me. "So, let's go to my room." He suggested walking to a hallway with me behind him.  I sat down at the desk and he was on the bed. "What should we start with?"

"I don't know.  It's your house." I giggled.  He nodded sarcastically.

"Should I write the report and you can make the poster?" He asked.  I nodded and looked around his room. "What are you doing?"

I looked at him and put a hand in my hair. "I'm looking for something we could use as a poster." I explained.

"Wait here, I know where we can get some posters." He told me getting up.

I stayed put and saw a notebook on the desk.  Don't open it, don't open it.  Eh what the hell.  I thought to myself.  I looked at the first page and saw a picture of me from the yearbook.  I picked it up and saw my hand writing on the back.

Dear Ponyboy, It was fun being your lab partner this year.  I hope we have classes together next year.  See you soon, Diana

I remember this!  I signed it for him before the school year ended.  I can't believe he kept it.

When he got back with some posters, he said his brother uses, I couldn't stop thinking about the picture.  I had finished the sketch of the back round when I heard a door close.  I looked up and saw Pony had closed the door.

"What are you doing?" I smiled.

He looked down at his feet. "Diana I need to tell you something." He started. "I personally picked you to be my partner because I remember last year when we were lab partners and how great we worked together.  All the fun we had."

I sat there fixing my glasses. "What are you trying to say though?"

"Well, I'm trying to say that, I-I like you... a lot.  And I know it's weird but-" I cut him off with a kiss on the lips and he shut up instantly.

"I like you too Ponyboy." I giggled.



This imagine is dedicated to @ThatGreaserChick.  Sorry if it's bad.  I really hope you liked it!  Right now it is REALLY hot in my house so I'm trying to keep my mind off the heat.  Stay Gold.


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