When you Wake up in the Morning

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You toss and turn under the covers.  Pony wraps his arm around you.  You expect him to be wide awake, yet he's sleeping.  You giggle at his snoring and sneak from under his arm.  You lightly kiss his cheek and he gives a sleepish smile.  You put on one of his T-shirts since he's practically twice your size it fits more like a dress.  When you walk into the kitchen the tile is freezing cold.  You start making breakfast for you two.  He loves your waffles you make, you usually never have time to make them because you have to leave for work.  As you finish making your breakfast, you feel two strong arms wrap around you.

"Mornin' Y/N." He whispers into your ear.  You look back, and spread butter on his nose with the knife you had in your hands.

"Morning, sleepy head." You answer.  He rubs noses with you making you laugh.  He excitedly looks at the counter, seeing the waffles.

"Have I told you how much I love you?" He asks reaching for a plate.  You take the plate from him.

"Not today, you haven't." You joked.  Teasing him.  He gave you puppy dog eyes, and you gave him a look.

"I love you Y/N." He said with a pouty face.  You finally gave in and you two ate your breakfast together.


You hear snoring in your ear, you turn to see your boyfriend Johnny sound asleep.  You turn over on your side and there he was.  You faintly laugh trying not to wake him up.  You feel his arms wrap around your waist as he pulls you in for a hug.  He yawns.

"Good morning beautiful." He greets.  You can smell his morning breath, but ignore it kissing his nose.

"Morning Johnnycake." You greet back.  You turn around to get out of the bed.  You pull your feet back quickly after feeling the cold floor against your skin.  You look back at Johnny with pleading eyes.

"Okay, give me a sec." He says as he walked to the  dresser, putting on his work clothes.  He carries you to the kitchen and sets you on the counter.

"Thank you Johnny." You say kissing his cheek. "Now can you get my dress and heels for me?  Their on the chair in the bedroom." You ask giving him a look he can't resist.  He huffs, giving a you an 'are you kidding me right now?' look.  Yet, he loves you enough to do anything for you.

After you get dressed you fix his tie and you two finish making breakfast.


You were sound asleep on the couch in your apartment.  Nothing could bother you right now.

"Put your hands up where I can see 'em!" You hear a familiar New Yorker accent.  You shot up to see your boyfriend Dallas Winston.  He laughs at you, his breath smells like cigarettes.

"Hush Dal.  Do you wanna wake up the whole building?" You ask walking to the bathroom.

"Where were you last night?" He asked, following close behind.

"I was here.  Now I gotta take a shower." You said turning to him.

"Good, me too." He said wrapping an arm around your waist.  You laughed and pushed him away.

"I know.  So get out." You demanded.  He liked the way you took charge. "The faster I get ready, is the faster you can get cleaned up." You say to him.

"But it would be way faster if we got cleaned up together.  And think about the water we'd be saving." He negosiated.  You refused and walked out.

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