When you First Met

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You were the new girl at school, so you didn't have very many friends.  You were new in town, and you don't really understand their social classes.  Everyone keeps calling each other either 'greasers' or 'socs' what ever they are.  School has ended, you decide to join a school sport team.  The only thing open is track, practice is after school.  You walk out to the track with the flyer in your hand and walk up to the coach.

"Excuse me sir, do you have any room for another runner?" You ask sounding shy.  The coach looks you up and down, and back at his clip board.

"Yeah, I think we have room for you.  How come you want to try out for track?  A little girl like you." He asked.

"Well, don't under estimate me sir." You said sounding polite.  He chuckled and looked among the boys.

"Hey, Curtis." He yelled to the other side of the field.  A boy shot his head up in surprise. "Get the new girl a uniform." He demanded.  The coach looked back at you and took out a pen. "What's your name kid?" He asked, clicking the end of the pen.

"Y/N." You answered.  He nodded and the kid came back with a t-shirt and shorts.  He was a little taller, had a slight build.  He also had brown hair and greenish gray eyes.  He handed you the clothes and smiled at you, making you blush. "Thanks." You say to the kid.  The coach leaves to go time some runners and leaves you with the guy.

"I'm Ponyboy Curtis." He introduces himself, putting his had out for you to shake.  You smile at him an give him a firm handshake.

"Y/N.  Nice to meet you Ponyboy." You responded. "Now can you tell me where I can get changed?" You asked him.  He walked you to the gym and pointed to the girls' locker room. "Thank you." You say walking away.

"You might wanna change fast, practice ends in 45 minuets." He warned.  You nodded and he left, the boys from your old neighborhood were never that nice to you before.  You got changed in just 2 minuets and the guys were already lined up.  You ran up and stood next to Ponyboy.

"Okay, so we're going to do a little race.  The new girl is going to be racing Ponyboy Curtis." He stared pairing everyone up.  You didn't know what to expect from this guy, you've only known him for like 20 minuets.  Coach finally finished pairing people up. "Curtis Y/N, you two are up!" He shouted.

As you walked up to the track with Ponyboy you got ready to run.  You looked at him and he looked back at you.

"Take it easy on her.  We don't want to overwhelm her." The coach said.  He nodded in response.  You weren't going to let them think you couldn't handle this.  The gun fired and you started slow and gradually got faster.  Half way into the race, you and him were neck and neck.  You were almost to the finish line and you ended strong, you beat Ponyboy who was out of breath.  You put out your hand for him to shake.

"Great race Ponyboy." You stated, being a good sport.  He smiled and shook your hand.

"You too, Y/N." He gulped.

After track you put your back pack on your shoulder and started walking to your house.

"Hey Y/N, wait." You heard someone say from behind.  You turned to see Ponyboy walking up behind you.  You stop turn to face him. "Do you wanna walk home with me I think my brothers will be okay with it." He offered.  You thought for a while.

"Sure why not?" You accepted.  Together you guys walked to his house, this was the beginning of a great relationship.


You were sitting in the lot, crying into your knees.  Your parent were fighting and they hit you.  You heard a stick snap and gasped hiding yourself behind a tree.  You saw a figure walk closer to you and sat down.  They started making a fire, you tried to move into a more comfortable position and leaves crunch under your feet.

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