For Lana

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Lana's P.O.V.

Dally was giving me, yet another, lecture about my life and how I should live it.  He just wants me to be taken care of or some shit like that.  He just doesn't understand how I'm going through all of this.  My parents don't give to shits about us, my brother gets arrested all the time like it's nothing, and I just can't.  The gang doesn't even know about my deppresion.  Not even my boyfriend Johnny.  I try to hide it from them.

"So, do you understand what I'm trying to do for you Lana?" He asked.

"Of course I do, how can't I when you keep telling me almost everyday.  But, Dally you just don't want to talk to you about it." I said walking back down the stairs at Buck's.

I heard him follow me. "Lana, stop.  You know I care about you.  But, you never know when your deppression will get out of hand." He explained.  I just kept my back to him.  His eyes are cold and blue like mine.  I just can't look at him sometimes.

"Dal what do you know about deppresion?" I asked crossing my arms.

I heard both of us stop. "What?" He asked sounding hurt.

"Oh, my bad, I forgot that THE Dallas Winston knows everything.  The Dallas that gets arrested all the time and doesn't have second thoughts about his sister." I said turning to him.

He seemed kind of suprised.  He usually sees the sweet, happy, kind Lana.  But, sometimes I can't deal with him.

I went to the lot with my back pack.  I climbed up a tree and took out a family photo I always keep in my notebook.  My therapist thinks that if I write my feelings in a notebook I'll feel better.

"Hey Lana." I heard Johnny from the bottom of the tree.

"Hi Johnnycakes." I giggled as he climbed the tree to sit next to me.  I quickly put my notebook away and pulled my sleeves down. "What brings you to the lot?"

He sighed. "Oh, the same thing.  You?"

I just put my head on his shoulder. "Dal.  I don't know how you guys can deal with him."

"The same way you do.  We wonder how you live with him." He laughed putting his arm around me.  I rolled my eyes playfully. "I'm going to the Curtis' house.  You comin'?" He asked.

"Sure." I said.  We climbed down the tree and started heading down to the house.

I told Johnny about how much I love Dal and how much he annoys me.  When we got to the house I said hi to the guys and sat down on the couch.  It started to get hot, but I didn't want to take my hoodie off.  I had cut myself earlier, I heard Dally coming in so I put on my black hoodie.  All Dal saw was the razor blade.

"Are you okay Lana?  You're sweating." Soda pointed out.

"Yeah, I'm okay." I smiled, I felt a littl light headed though.  We kept talking and Pony freaked out.

"Lana, your arms, they're bleeding!" He said.  Johnny rolled up my sleeves before I passed out.  Maybe it worked!  Finally it worked!

Dally's P.O.V.

We were at the hospital waiting for them to tell us what happened to Lana.

"Is there anything you wanna tell us Dal?" Darry asked.  I turned around and saw the gang looking at me.  Johnny was looking more at the ground.

I sighed and stood up putting my hands in my hair. "You wanna know?  Here it is, Lana has deppresion.  We never told you because that was the last thing she needed.  Six more people worrying about her." I finally said.

They all had suprised faces.  I sat on the other side of the waiting room so I wouldn't have to see them.  I ran my hands over my face and left my hands over my eyes.  I could feel a knot in my throat and ignored it.

Lana's P.O.V.

I woke up to a bright light nearly blinding me.  Did I do it?

"Hello Lana.  I'm Dr. James.  You had us scared.  You know you're very lucky." He said to me.  Dammit."Your brother and friends want to see you.  What do you say?  You up for some visitors?" He asked.  I shrugged.

"Lana!" I heard Dal yell.  Oh, fuck my life.  He hugged me and I hugged back. "You're okay!"

I let him go. "Yeah, I'm okay.  Please let go, I can't breath." I said.  He gently pulled his arms from me and Johnny came to hug me. "What is this?  Hug Lana day?" I laughed.

Johnny didn't say a word to me for a while. "You scared the hell out of me." He said into my shoulder.

"Lana, did you take your anti-deppresants?" Dallas asked.  I shook my head and he did the same.  Johnny finally let go.

"Well, all that matters is that you're okay now." Darry said.  I shrugged and smiled.



This imagine is dedicated to @Lana0326.  I hope you liked it.  I know you said you wanted sad.  I made it as sad as I could.


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