For Christina

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Christina's P.O.V.

I was working on homework at my house.  My boyfriend Two-Bit is probably out somewhere getting drunk, no need to worry though.

I was almost done with my homework when there was a knock on my window.  I turned to see Two outside.  I quickly took off my glasses, because he's never really seen me with them on.

"Hey Minnie, wanna open the window for you man?" He asked playfully.  I shook my head and leaned back. "C'mon babe, I'm freezin' my ass off." He pleaded.

I sighed and walked to my window. "Well, I guess you can come in." I said opening the window.

He came in and rubbed his bare arms. "Hmm, same hair as my girlfriend, same beautiful tan.  Are you hidin' something from me?" Two-Bit asked sitting down on my bed.

"When have I ever had the need to hide something from you?" I asked putting a piece of my dark brown hair behind my ear.

"I dunno.  But, something seems different about this bedroom.  I've been in here plenty of times sadly not for the reason I want," he said pulling me closer to him. "But I know every detail."

I looked on my desk and saw my glasses  sitting there. "Well, I haven't moved and or added anything.  But, I did get a new shirt.  Wait here let me show you."

I went to my dresser and brought out my new Mickey sweat shirt.  I turned around and saw Two-Bit wearing my glasses, that were a little too small for his face.

"Give me those, you're gonna break them with your big head." I said putting them in the case.

"Christina," He whined making me turn around. "Put them on.  I wanna see what you look like in them." He begged.

I sighed and placed my glasses on my face.  He took off my shirt and I freaked out.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

Two-Bit chuckled. "I'm just trying something.  Unless you wanna-"

I smacked him playfully as he put the sweatshirt on me.  He told me to put my hair in two buns.

"Okay, and beautiful!" He chanted.  I shushed him.

"My parents are asleep Two." I warned.  He said it again but whisper yelled.  I rolled my eyes.  He searched my drawers. "What in the hell are you doing?"

He smiled as he showed me the camera. "Smile, Minnie." He giggled.  I did as I was told and he nodded in approval. "That's my Chris." He said as he waved the picture around.  He showed me the photo and kissed my cheek.

"Whatever." I smiled.

"How come you never wear your glasses around me?  I think you look beautiful." He asked.

I shrugged. "I thought they would make me look like a nerd."

"Well, you got that right." He sighed.  I smacked his arm. "But, you're my nerd."



This imagine is for @band_geek_14.  I hope you enjoyed it.  Please give me feed back.  Requests are still open. Stay Gold.


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