For Courtney (Ponyboy)

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Courtney's POV
This is not good.  This is really not good.  Oh god.  I can't be pregnant, I'm not even close to being out of high school!  Ugh!  Dally's gonna kill me when I tell him.  What will Ponyboy say?

"Courtney, you almost done in there?  I need to piss." Dally called through the door.

"Uh, yeah.  One second." I put the test in my pocket and walked past him and straight to the Curtis house.

When I got there, I walked right in since the door is unlocked.

"Hey, Courtney, Pony should be in his room doing homework." Darry said.  He didn't look at me, which is a good thing.  If he did look at me, then he would have totally been able to tell something was up.

I made my way to Pony and Soda's room.  He was sitting at the desk writing something down with a book open.

"I'm almost done, Darry."

"Not Darry." I said.

He turned and smiled at me. "Hey, it's great to see you," he said kissing my cheek, "Where were you at school today?"

I cleared my throat and closed the door softly.

"Ponyboy, I have something really important to tell you.  But you have to promise you won't be mad and that you will accept my decision."

He furrowed his eyebrows at me. "Those are some weird agreements, but okay."

"I'm pregnant."

Who knew two words could shut someone up so quickly?  Pony stared at me in an uncomfortable silence.



He sighed. "We should probably tell Darry then. He'll know what to do."

"And Dally."

"That's probably not the best idea."

"He's like family, Pony. I can't just not tell him." I reasoned.

"Fine. We can wait until Dally gets here, then we can tell them." He said in a serious tone.

It took ages hours, but Dally finally showed up.

"I change my mind. We probably shouldn't tell them. We could just like leave or something." I began to ramble.

"Courtney, we have to tell them. We can't just leave... We have no money or a car or anything that could let us do this on our own."

I just agreed with him because it's true.  That's no way to raise a kid anyway.  We decided that once Dally got here, I would tell him and Pony would tell Darry.  I made my way to the living room to see Dally smoking a cigarette.

"Courtney, want a light?"

Before I could say yes, I remembered I was pregnant and that's not the best idea.

"No, but I need to tell you something."

"Okay, little sis, shoot."

"I'm pregnant."

Then all of a sudden, he started laughing. "That's a good one, Courtney." He paused for a moment. "Because you would have to be pretty fucking irresponsible for you to get pregnant."

"Well, then I'm pretty fucking irresponsible."

Dally instantly stood up and brushed past me into the kitchen and I followed him quickly.  He grabbed Ponyboy from the back of his shirt collar and threw him to the ground.  Then he began hitting him and yelling at him.  I stood there in shock, not knowing how to react, then Darry began to pull Dally off of him.

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