For Robyn

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Robyn's P.O.V.

Me and Dally were hanging out at Buck's place for a party.  He went to go get some drinks, who the fuck takes this long to get something to drink.  I finally left the dance floor and went to the bar to see Dallas making out with a girl and his hands under her skirt.

I litterally couldn't cry at the fact he is actually cheating on me.  I just had to get out, so I walked home and sat on my couch and put on an over sized sweatshirt and leggings.

A few hours later I heard a knock on the door.  I walked up and saw Dallas completely drunk.

"Hey, Robyn.  Why- Why did you leeeave?" He slurred.

"Leave." Was all I said.  He put his foot in the door and literally fell into my house. "Dallas Winston, get up."

"Noooo..." He mumbled on the ground.  I lightly kicked him onto my porch and he rolled onto the grass. "Baaaaaabe."

I shook my head. "You know what?  I cannot believe I loved you.  You fucking dick." I said, slamming the door.

*The Next Day*

Robyn's P.O.V.

I woke up on the couch and my eyes were red and puffy.  I heard a knock on the door.

"Go home Dallas." I croaked out.

"It's Soda." I heard him say.  I stood up and opened the door. "Hey Rob." He smiled sadly.

I smiled at him.  "Hi Sodapop.  What are you doing here?" I asked as I let him in the house.

He sat down on the couch and I followed. "Well Dally came by last night.  He was pretty hung over." He started.

"Ugh, Soda, I don't want to talk about him.  He broke my heart." I groaned.

He put his hand up. "Let me finish." He stated. "When he came over he was really sad.  He told us-after he sobered up-that he made a mistake for kissing that slut.  He really wants to apologize."

I just rolled my eyes. "Whatever.  I don't really care." I said walking up stairs.

A few hours later there was another knock on the door.  I groaned and stood up and answered the door.  I revealed Dally with puffy red eyes, only making my eyes water.

"Robyn, please take me back.  I know it hasn't even been a full day, but I miss you.  I am so sorry.  I am such a dick.  And I don't deserve you.  You are the only girl I've ever said this to," He stopped and took a breath. "I-I lo-ve y-you.  I love you Robyn.  Please believe me-" I cut him off with a kiss.

"I love you too Dal." I said between kisses.



I hope you like it @Magcon_outiders.  Pkease give feed back.  I'm sorry if you didn't like it.  Stay Gold.


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