You Leave For College

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You were at the airport getting ready to go to the college of your dreams. But sadly, it wasn't in Tulsa. You had to leave your boyfriend, Pony, and his brothers could only afford to send him to a college that was still in Tulsa.

You sat at the airport with Ponyboy, his arms around you and you two just talk about absolutely nothing.

"Hey, Y/N," Pony started. You looked up into his gray eyes, waiting for him to continue. "No matter how far apart we are, I will always love you." He said.

And his timing was perfect, because right after he said that your flight was called. Both of you stood up and you walked over to your parents who both said goodbye to you and told you they love you. When you finished with your parents you walked over to Soda and Darry.

You hugged Darry and he hugged you back, saying, "Good luck, kid. And work hard." He said pulling away. You chuckled and nodded walking to Sodapop. He hugged you too and rubbed your back.

"Bye Y/N. Keep in touch, and be sure to visit. Ya hear?" He said, still hugging you.

"You bet." You smiled as Soda let go of you.

You walked back to Pony and he smiled sadly at you. You took a shaky breath and kissed him on the lips. When you pulled away he smiled down at you. Wiping your tears.

"Don't cry babe." He cooed. You nodded and looked up at him with sad eyes. "Now, where's that beautiful smile of yours?" He teased, tickling your sides making you laugh loudly.

"I'm gonna miss you, Ponyboy Curtis." You sighed.

Pony looked at you and nodded. "And I'm gonna miss you, Y/N Y/L/N." He sighed after you.

The intercom came on again and you grabbed your carry on, waving to the boys and your parents as you walked onto the plane.


You and your parents were loading up the car so you could get ready to go to college. You guys had been saving up for the longest time. Since your parents didn't go to college, they made sure you would be getting a higher education than just high school. You don't want to go because then your boyfriend, Johnny, will have to deal with his awful parents by himself for then next 4 years.

"Alright, we are all set. Are you ready to go Y/N?" Your dad asked. You shook your head. Your dad sighed and pulled you into a hug. "I know it's hard baby." He whispered into your hair. You wanted to shake your head and tell him he had no idea how you were feeling.

You stood in the driveway a little longer and waited for Johnny to come.  When you saw him walk up you instantly ran into his arms and found a way to put all the love you had for him in this short embrace.

"It'll be okay, Y/N. I'll be okay,"

You let go of him and looked into the dark eyes that you loved with all your heart and soul.

"I know," you lied, looking down at his shirt.

"Hey, I promise."

"You know what, I can just stay home for another year or two-"

"Y/N, you have to."

The tears you were holding back finally broke through. "I really don't, I just want to make sure you'll be okay, Johnny-cakes. I don't want you to be here alone, you know?"

He smiled at you. "I won't be alone, I'll have the guys. Dally will keep an eye on me, you know that."

You kept your gaze at the ground.

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