For Courtney (Ponyboy Pt 2)

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Courtney's POV
I stormed back into Buck's place and walked past Dally and Noah

"Woah, speedy, trouble in paradise?" He teased.

"You have no idea." I muttered and walked up to me and Noah's room.

Dally followed closely behind me with a content Noah in his arms.  I plopped on my bed and crossed my arms.

"C'mon, what happened?" He asked with pure worry in his tone.

"Ponyboy Curtis is what's wrong."

He chuckled a bit, "What did the kid do?"

I groaned and began my rant.  I told him about Ponyboy thinking that it wasn't safe for Noah and how Pony didn't have a lot of trust in Dally.

"That little-" he ended up cutting himself off. Probably remembering that he had a two month old baby sitting here with us. "Well, what are you gonna do about it?"

I shrugged. I really didn't know what to do about this situation. "Uh, we're going to Ponyboy's house tomorrow. I guess the two of us could talk about it then."

"Okay, little sis, do what you think is best." He said. He then handed me Noah and kissed my forehead.

"Buck's gonna have some guys over; might wanna lock the door."

I nodded and bounced Noah up and down. "Will do."
The next day I dressed me and Noah. We started heading to the Curtis house. When we finally arrived, I was sitting on the couch with Ponyboy and Noah was in the middle of us. He was in a carrier, so he wasn't just sitting there on the couch.

"So, about me staying with Buck and Dally-"

"You decided you would stay here?" He asked with hope in his eyes, but he was still looking at Noah and messing with his baby fingers.

I shook my head. "No. I'm here to tell you that I'm still living with them. That fight didn't change my mind."

"Buck's place isn't safe, Courtney. Don't you understand how dangerous it is for the two of you to live in a place like that?"

"What makes this place so much safer?" I said raising my voice.

"People understand boundaries, Courtney! Not everyone just walks in all the time. They don't walk into our rooms!"

"Do you think I wanted to be a mom at 14 years old? That I want to live above a fucking bar? I didn't ask for this!" I began to feel angry tears rush down my face.

"Well, I guess people just make mistakes!" He spat and gestured to Noah.

I gasped and the tears of anger turned into ones of hurt. "My baby is not a mistake, Ponyboy Curtis."

"What's going on in here?" Darry asked with Sodapop behind him. The rest of the guys walked in and I rolled my eyes. That is the exact problem with this house.

"Ponyboy called Noah a mistake." I croaked out.

The other two Curtis brothers looked at Ponyboy with stern eyes.

"You don't call your own kid a mistake, Pony." Soda said with disappointment in his voice.

"I didn't even mean it--it slipped out!" Ponyboy groaned.

"That doesn't matter!"

I saw from the corner of my eyes that Dally took Noah to the kitchen and Johnny followed. Johnny probably just wasn't too keen on listening to this argument. It got so out of hand that Sodapop and Steve took me outside. Darry and Two-Bit stayed with Ponyboy.

I was fuming.

"Courtney, you need to calm down." Soda told me straight up.

"I know, but he makes me so mad sometimes." I said through gritted teeth.

Soda turned to Steve. "You go check on Ponyboy, I'll stay here with Courtney."

Steve did as he said and walked back inside. Sodapop walked me over to their porch swing and sighed. We sat down in silence for a second.

"Ponyboy told us about the whole living situation with Noah."

It was my turn to sigh. "It's not that I don't want to it's--"

"Look, Courtney," he stopped me. "Ponyboy has been through a lot. He's just worried about the two of you. Now, Dally isn't a bad guy, but you have to be honest, he isn't the best influence for a kid to be around."

"But he's gotten better, Sodapop."

"I'm sure he has, but Ponyboy has a right to be worried about his son. That's what dads do."

I nodded. He kissed my forehead and we walked back inside. Ponyboy was sitting on the couch with Darry and Two-Bit watching Mickey Mouse.

"Ponyboy," I said quietly.

He turned around.

"Can we talk?"

He nodded and followed me outside.

"I'm sorry that I questioned your choice of living there, but I'm just worrying about the two of you.  We both know that this, yelling at each other, can't go on forever.  It's not good for Noah." He told me.

"I'm sorry too." I began. "I understand why you were so worried about Dallas and Buck being around Noah.  God knows that they aren't the best influences on a baby.  It's just that, he's my brother, Ponyboy.  How would you feel if I told you I didn't think that Darry or Sodapop weren't safe for Noah to be around?"

He put his hand on my cheek making me look up at him. "Well, I would ask you why.  Then I would tell them that the mother of my child didn't think that our son would be safe around them.  Then I would kindly ask them to fix it."

"Really?" I asked.  My voice had disbelief and some sarcasm.

He nodded. "Yeah, absolutely.  Because your opinion matters to me.  I mean, you did have my baby, of course I care about your opinion."

I sighed, "I guess you're right.  I'm sorry, Ponyboy."

"I'm sorry too." He pulled me into a hug. "I love you, Courtney."

I wrapped my arms around him, "I love you too."

I still live with Buck and Dally, and sometimes Sodapop would stay with Steve, so me and Pony could have the room with Noah.  It all ended up working out.

Sorry it took so long Courtney. I've been feeling sick and I had finals. And my phone has been freaking out lately.  But, here's your part two. Sorry if it seems rushed. Stay Gold.

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