For Kate (Ponyboy)

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Kate's POV

Another fight.  Another screaming match.  More tears.

"Okay," I said quietly.

Ponyboy finally stopped pacing. "Okay?"

I nodded. "I'll just give you some space, Ponyboy. Whatever you want."

And with that I stood up and walked out of the Curtis' house.  And of course I run into Sodapop on the way in.

"Hey, Kate-"

I just kept walking.  I'm really not in the mood or any of the Curtis brothers at the moment.

Ponyboy's POV

"What happened with you and Kate?" Sodapop asked, I didn't answer him. "Trouble in paradise?" He asked, his tone was more teasing than curious.

"It's not funny, Sodapop."

I didn't tell anybody what was really wrong with me and Kate.  She asked me not to tell anybody about it.  The truth is that I have messed up, big time.  I ended up kissing a girl from our school and Kate just walked in.  She looked hurt, but she never talked about it.

Sodapop gave me an odd look. "What's wrong with you two?  You guys barely talk, she's barely here and when she is she looks miserable." He paused. "What did you do?"

I took in a deep breath and covered my face with my hands.

"You'll be mad at me," I whispered.

I know that Soda is never mad at me.  He only gets disappointed.  He made sure to remind me of that fact; in turn, I told him the whole story.  And he did keep his word, he wasn't mad.

"Ugh, Ponyboy-"

"I know, Soda, I know."

"Have you talked about it?

I shook my head, "She doesn't want to talk about it.  I tried to apologize and before I could say anything, she just changed the subject before it was even discussed."

Soda nodded, with a knowing look in his eye.  Even though he doesn't have a degree, he's wise enough to give some of the best advice.


"What do I do?"

And what he says next is what surprised me. "Then make her."


"Ponyboy, it's obvious that this situation is tearing you both apart and if neither of you say anything about it your relationship may not last."

I nodded, if it didn't work, I could always try to get her back another way.

- - - - - -

I was standing outside Kate's house, not exactly excited about this idea.

The door opened after what effect like years, and there she was. Standing there, though she had a blank stare, the hurt was still evident in her body language.

"What are you doing here, Ponyboy? I thought we were giving each other space?"

I nodded. "We did. I just wanna talk to you for a second."

She just moved out if the way to let me in.  I walked in and stayed standing, I don't think that I have the right reasons to take a seat.

"What is it?"

"It's about the whole Janie thing."

I shook my head. "I don't want to-"

"But we have to, Kate.  If we don't talk about this," I just stopped.  I'm not as good with this type of stuff, not like Sodapop.

"Well, I don't want to talk about this.  Please.  We can talk about something else."

"Kate, stop trying to hide from this.  We can't keep avoiding this talk." There was a long pause and still nothing from her. "Come on, tell that you hate me, hit me, yell, do something."

Kate shook her head. "Stop it."

"Come on, Kate, I kissed another girl.  One who isn't you.  And you're not mad at that?"

Kate didn't have any reaction, she kept her gaze toward the ground. Maybe this isn't what Soda meant, but now I really want to know.  I honestly thought she would have been yelling and screaming at me right now.

"Kate, just say something-"

"Fine, Ponyboy, fine!" She yelled. "I am mad at you--I'm pissed."

This outburst startled me.

"How could you even do that to me? You said you loved me and you do that crap to me?"

I stayed quiet and as she got angrier and angrier, she would hit me a little harder. She didn't hurt me and I know she didn't want to hurt me, but I just kept letting her get all her aggression that she's been holding in for god knows how long.

"I should have broken up with you! Everyone told me to, but I couldn't because I love you! I love someone who couldn't care less about me. I thought you loved me." Her screams turned to sobs and she fell into my arms, probably exhausted from all the shouting she just did.

I held her. I held her and people would probably think that she would fall apart into pieces if u just let her go.

"I do love you, I love you so much." I choked out through sobs.

"You hurt me, Ponyboy."

I nodded. "And I'm so sorry."


This is for @memyselfandphandoms.  I hope you liked it.  I'm sorry I couldn't get it up tomorrow.  It was fun talking to you about 5SOS and bands.  Stay Gold.

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