For Cassie (Ponyboy & Sodapop)

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Cassie's POV
I was sitting outside the school, waiting for my ride to pick me up from school.  I took out my book for English and began to read.  As I was reading, I felt an extra presence that was actually near me.  I looked up and came face to face with Ponyboy Curtis.

"Hi," he smiled, "how are you, Cassie?" He asked.

I smiled back, "Hey, Ponyboy, I'm fine, thanks for asking.  How are you?"

"I'm okay."

I nodded. "Good to hear."

I heard a car horn honk.  I looked up to see my ride finally got here.

"Sorry, Ponyboy, I gotta go.  I'll see you tomorrow?" I rushed out.

When I got to the car my mom/dad/guardian (A/N: idk who you live with.  Sorry this is awkward.). I buckled up after I threw my backpack in the back seat.

"Who was that boy?" He/she asked.

I shook my head, "Just Ponyboy. He has class with me."

"'Just Ponyboy?" They questioned as they started the car.

I rolled my eyes, knowing very well where this was going.

"Guess we're going to stop for gas." My mom/dad/guardian mutters.

I pull my book out and continue to read where I left off. When we finally pulled up to the gas station, money was put in my book. I looked up with a questioning look.

"I need you to go pay for the gas. Go 'head and buy me something."

I nodded, putting in my book mark. I walked in and took some candy and walked up to the counter. I was met with the sky blue eyes that belong to the one and only Sodapop Curtis.

"Hi, Cassie." He smiled, "Is this all?"

"Uh, I also need some gas for pump 4, please."

Soda nodded. "Of course,"

I started to rock on my heels. My eyes started to wanted, not looking for anything in particular. I heard someone say my name and came back to Earth.

"What?" I asked. My cheeks heated up.

Soda laughed a little bit. "I asked how school was going."

I nodded. "Right. It's great, thanks for asking."

When he finally got done ringing me up, I gave him a smile.  I gave the change to my mom/dad/guardian and instantly slid back into the passenger seat.  All these interruptions are keeping me from finishing this book.  Sure it's just for school, but it's actually getting great. 

Once we got back home, I sat down to watch a movie while I did my homework.  I could have been hanging out with my friends, but they all have boyfriends.  Why do you need boys?  Books don't leave you, I would think to myself.

Ponyboy's POV
I went to see Sodapop at the DX.  I had to ask him for some brotherly advice.

"Hey, Pony,"

"Hi, Soda."

"What are you doing here?  Shouldn't you be back at home?" He asked.

I nodded. "But I wanted to ask you something."

Soda stopped what he was doing and nodded for me to go on with my question.

"There's this girl I like.  We have a lot in common.  We like the same movies and books.  She's also super smart." I told him.  He nodded, understandingly.   I continued, "How do I go about asking her out?"

"Just be yourself, Ponyboy.  If you guys have all that in common, it's best for you to be you."

I nodded and smiled. "Thanks."  I turned to leave.

"Who is it anyway, Pony?"

My cheeks instantly started heating up at the thought of her.


Soda's eyes widened. "Cassie?  Really?"

"Yeah, why?"

He shook his head. "I just didn't know that you liked her."

"Why would you think that?" I asked him.

"Don't worry about it."

----A few days later---

Cassie's POV
For the past few days, Ponyboy and Sodapop have been really nice to me.  Pony even invited me to study with him after school.  But, to be honest, it's getting kind of weird with them.  My best friend is suggesting that both brothers have crushes on me.  At least, that's what Darry told her brother.

I'm getting my books out of my locker when I feel someone's presence.  One that has become very familiar these past few days.

"Hi, Pony."

I could feel his smile. "Hey, Cassie.  I was wondering if you were free this Sunday?"

I sighed. "I'm really sorry, Pony, but I can't.  I have a lot of homework to do."

"Oh." He seemed disappointed. "Do you know when you might be able to meet up?"

I shook my head. "No.  Sorry.  I'm really trying to focus on school right now.  But thanks for the offer."

I walked away, patting his arm and walking away from him.

Ponyboy's POV
At then end of the day, as I walked home, I could see Soda walking up to the house.

"Hey," I said.

He nodded.  We haven't been on the best of terms since we found out that we both like Cassie.

"Did you ask her out?" He wasn't exactly intrigued.  He just asked because he's Soda.  He just has to ask.

I nodded. "She told me that she wants to focus on school right now."

He put his arm around me and nodded.

"That's alright.  You'll have your chance."

"What about you?  Don't you like her?"

He shrugged. "Yeah, she's a sweet girl.  But after a while it's pretty obvious we're just friends."

This is for @Ms_Rogers.  I wasn't sure how you wanted me to end it.  I'm sorry if it's written in a really awkward way.  I wanted to make sure I put your imagine up before I did all my homework that I've been procrastinating to do.  I wasn't sure if or who you wanted to end up with.  So, I made you a strong independent woman, who don't need a man, because you have books.  And we all know books are better.  But boys in books are the best.  Stay Gold.

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