For Tristin

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Tristin's P.O.V.

I'm reading my absolutely favorite book, Gone With the Wind.  My best friend Pony got it for me a while ago.

"So, you like what you readin'?" I heard a voice from behind me.  I turned and saw Pony come sit next to me. "Hey Tristin, what are you doin' in a library?  You can read at my house."

"Well to answer your first question: Yes.  To answer your second question: This was the first place I thought of." I answered. "Hey do you remember the part when-." I was cut off by him putting his finger to my mouth.

He smiled. "Don't spoil it for me." I rose one eyebrow. "Come on.  Let's go to my house." He added standing up.  We walked out together and headed to his house.

As we walked to his house I saw the drive in. "Hey Pone, how come you haven't read Gone With the Wind?  Why would you get it for me if we can't talk about it?" I asked.

He shrugged. "I don't know.  I just thought it would be a nice present.  You have no idea how much I cost for hard cover copy." He said gesturing towards my book.  I shrugged. "Hey, you wanna watch a movie?"

I shook my head. "Nah, we dont even have the money to get the tickets." We looked at each other and laughed. "But seriously.  Let's just go to your house."

He nodded and we kept walking.  Lately Ponyboy has been a little, I don't know, weird.  He's been inviting me over and hanging out a lot.  I don't think much of it though, because I've known him forever and we're just too close for him to really like me.  That, and he and my brother are pretty close.

When we got to his house I saw Johnny was already at his house, so I sat next to him.

"Hey Johnny, how are you my lovable brother of mine?" I giggled.  He kept his head down and I was getting confused. "Look at me Johnny." I said moving his face.  He had a black eye. "What happened?"

"Mom and dad.  But, I'm okay, it looks worse than it feels." He sighed.  I rolled my eyes.  He does this every time.

"Fine." I sighed.  I looked over at Ponyboy. "Hey, since you haven't read Gone With the Wind how about we read some of it together?" I offered taking his hand and walking to him and Soda's room.

I sat down on the bed and he was at the desk. "So, how do you wanna do this Tristin?  Because we still have homework and stuff." He said.  I know how important his grades are for him and his family.

I put my homework down and took out my book. "Well, you read for a bit and I do my homework while you read.  And vice versa.  I'll go get some snacks." I said walking out.  I came back with some cake.

He started reading from where I was. "Men rode-" I cut him off instantly. "What?"

"I want you to start from the beginning." I pleaded taking out my math homework.  He nodded and went to page one.  We started eating and trading off.

Ponyboy's P.O.V.

Me and Tristin were just hanging out.  She has no ideah how much I like her.  After a while she took her hair out of the pony tail she alwayd wears it in, her hair has really grown.  As she was reading, she had some food on her lip.  I stopped her and she looked up at me.

"What are you looking at?" She asked.  I smiled at how her brown hair frames her face.  I got a little closer to help her and I ended up leaning in and kissed her.

I could feel my eyes widen, I dropped my hands and backed up. "Sorry Tristin.  I didn't mean to do that." I apologized.  All I saw her do was smile.

"It's okay Pony." She reassured.  I wanted to ask her out, but I was scared of rejection. "What's on your mind, Curtis?" She teased.

"I was wondering-can you- would you," I was stuttering as I looked down at my lap.  She lifted my chin up so I was looking into her comforting big brown eyes.  I took a breath. "Tristin, would you like to go out with me?"

She smiled. "Yes." And kissed my cheek.

"Woah, what's going on in here?" Soda teased.  I rolled my eyes and Tristin was getting ready to leave.

"Just homework Sodapop.  See you at school Pony." She said walking out.

Soda watched her leave with Johnny and he did a quick eyebrow dance.  I rolled my eyes again.

"Wait, did I just see Tristin Cade's hair out of her famous ponytail?" He asked taking up the bed.  I smiled and  nodded going back to my homework.



This imagine is dedicated to @Ponyboy_And_Edward.  Please give me feedback.  I hope you enjoyed it!!!  I actually had fun with this one.  I made myself fangirl.  Anyways. Stay Gold.


(Sorry for not adding that in the other 2 imagines)

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