You Leave Him Alone With the Baby for the FIrst Time (5/7)

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You were sick today so you wouldn't get the kids sick you went to your mom's house until you would feel better.

"Okay, so, Dal don't do anything stupid while I'm gone." You said sniffling.

"I won't Y/N, I promise.  Ana and James will be fine.  It's not like I'm gonna throw them over a cliff." He smiled.  You rolled your eyes and blew kisses to your 8 year old and 2 year old.

"Bye mommy!" They both said.

"Bye kids.  Make sure daddy does what he's supposed to.  I love you guys.  I'll be back." You told them.

"Bye." They all said.  You walked out of the house and Dally and the kids sat on the couch, "When in mommy gonna be back?" Was the first thing Dal heard from Ana.

He sighed. "Mommy is sick, but she'll be back soon.  In the mean time do you wanna watch a movie?" He asked the kids.  They both nodded and the whole time Dal got questions every 5 minuets about you and if you would come back.

Once they fell asleep in the middle of the fith movie and Dal was finally alone.  It was not the best for the first day, but he knew it would be easier, hopefully.


You just had your first daugter Claire and you were still sore.  Soda had planned for you to have a day just for you.  No one would bother you today.  He ran you a bath and told you that he would take care of everything you were going to do today.

After Soda ran your bath he went to Claire's room and saw her wide awake, her blue eyes matching his.

"Hey baby Curtis.  How did you sleep last night?" He asked.  Claire just looked up at him not answering.  He walked down the stairs and sat down on the couch and flicked on the TV.  Soon she started crying.  Without thinking Soda started walking to the bathroom when he saw you across the hall in the bedroom sleeping.  He turned around and let you sleep.

Clair cried louder and louder. "Shh, please don't cry Claire.  I don't know what you want." Sodapop whined to the baby in his arms.  She just started crying harder.  Then he got an idea, he walked to your guys' room and grabbed some of your perfume putting it on the blanket he would wrap her in.  In the process he was suprised how her cries didn't wake you up. Once she settled Soda sighed and smiled down at her.

"There all better." He said walking back to the couch and laying down with Claire in his arms feeling her soft baby hair.


Darry was taking the day off because he had been working too much over time and his boss couldn't afford it.  When he woke up to you moving out of bed and going to the closet.

"Where are you going Y/N?" He asked making you jump a little bit.

"Oh, I have to go back to work Dar.  Maternity leave is over.  So you and Sean are gonna be alone bcause Soda has to work and Pony is going to be at school for a track meet." You explained.  Being around the house for a few months makes you know almost EVERYTHING that's going on in everyone else's life/

"Okay." Darry sighed deeply.  You gave him a comforting smile and walked to the crib in the room you and Darry share.

"Good morning Sean." You cooed to your half asleep baby boy as you handed him to Darry. "I love you." You said kissing Sean's cheek. "And I love you." You added kissing Darry's lips.

Once you left Darry and Sean you had no worries.  Sean was a lot like Darry and was a little bit on the quiet side.  Darry looked down at his son and stood up to feed him.  He saw that you left bottles in the fridge and smiled at the little note you left him 'I thought you would need these'.

After he fed Sean he saw him fall asleep and Darry put him back in his crib and played a little guitar for him until he was completely asleep.


You and Steve just had your first kid, or kids I should say.  Jason and Kacy Randle.  You were still really tired, but you still wanted to help around the house.  While you were folding the laundry you fell asleep in the process.  Yep, right on the couch.

Steve was coming down stairs to make breakfast and saw you knocked out.  He chuckled and picked you up walking to your bedroom.  He put you under the covers and kissed your cheek.   As if on cue he heard two cries coming from across the hall and ran to the twins.  He though he couldn't handle both of them, then again, you have pretty much been refusing to sleep because of all the chores you had.

"Aww what am I going to do with you?" He asked knowing he couldn't handle the little Randles.  He picked both of them up and his ears instantly filled with the cries of the two babies.

He went down stairs and tried everything, he fed them, burped them, and rocked them in their baby carriers.  He sighed in frustration and smacked his forehead and they stopped crying ans smiled at him.

"Are you serious that's all I had to do?" He said smiling back at them.  He smacked himself again making the babies smile harder."Wow, you really are like your mom."


Two was begging you to watch your guys' son, Terry Mickey Matthews.  Yeah, I know, the name took a lot of getting used to.  But, anyway, you finally gave in and let him watch the baby.

"Alright, so, you know where his blankets are, how to change his diaper and-" Two-Bit, who had Terry in his arms, cut you off.

"Y/N, I know what to do.  It'll be okay baby.  Now go out and have fun." He said kissing your cheek.  You sighed and nodded kissing both of them and walking out.  As you left, Two-Bit was cooing to the baby in the Mickey Mouse pajamas.

"What do you wanna do Mickey?" He asked.  He didn't get an answer, obviously. "Yeah, I like that idea.  Let's watch TV." He smiled turning to TV on.  Soon Terry fell asleep around the 24th episode of Mickey on TV and was sleeping on his father's chest.

When you got home you saw your boys on the couch.  Two-Bit was half asleep himself until the door closed and he looked at you.

"Hey Minnie." He smiled.  You greeted him as he told you what they did that day as if you were picking him up from a day care.


A/ N:

This is the rest.  I hope you like these.  I am so tired, I just wanted to do this so I can just get on with the personal imagined.  Stay Gold.


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