Telling him You're Pregnant

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You were sitting in the hospital, waiting for the doctor to tell you why you've been feeling sick.  He finally comes in and you look up at him waiting for his answer.

"Mrs. Curtis, congradulations.  You're pregnant." He says.  A smile spreads across your face.

"Really?  Are you sure?" You ask.  He nods and you just can't stop smiling.

You drive home and once you get there you squeal in delight.  You grab a piece of paper and a pen and write down:  You are going to be a daddy!

You put it in one of the new books he's been working on.  You sit there on the couch feeling your stomach, wondering what your baby will be.  Pony walks in and kisses you on the cheek.

"Hey Y/N.  You feelin' better?" He asked.  You nod and your smile got wider.  He walks back to his office and you go to the kitchen to start making dinner.

Pony literally runs to the doorway and holds the paper, smiling ear to ear.  You look at him and smile back, laughing.  He holds the paper and walks up to you.

"Are you serious?" He asks.  You turn and nod.  He runs to you and picks you up, you're laughing and he sets you down.  It was so exciting for you two, unbelievable in fact.  Pony just kept staring at you all night until you both went to sleep.  He looked at you like he fell in love with you all over again.


You sit on the hospital bed, you've been feeling sick and you missed your period.  A doctor finally came in and you looked up at him.  He handed you a piece of paper and you looked at it closely.  You flipped it over and looked back at it, he laughed.
"Is this my baby?" You asked.  He nodded. "How far along am I?" You add.
"About a month." He replied.  You thank him and think about how you're going to tell your husband Johnny.
When you finally get home you look at the ultrasound one last time.  You put it in an envelope and stuck it in your mail box.  You started doing the laundry and you heard the door open.
"Hey Y/N.  How are you?" He asked from down stairs.  You put your hand on your stomach and smile.
"Better.  Can you get the mail for me Johnnycakes?" You ask.  He agrees and goes out to the front.  You look out the window and he opens the envelope and he runs into the house.
You feel someone grab your hips and you turn around to see Johnny smiling.  He holds up the ultrasound and you nod.  He kisses you for a while.
Late that night, you felt Johnny get out of bed and heard him walk to your side of the bed.  Your back was to him.  You felt him touch your stomach, you opened your eyes a little.  He didn't see, it was too dark.
"Hey, kid, I can't wait to see you.  I promise I'm gonna be a better dad than mine ever was.  I love you and your mommy very much." He whispers.  You reach over and lightly touch his cheek, he looks over at you.  You told him he is going to be a great dad and you fell asleep quickly after.
You're sitting in the bathroom at Buck's place.  You were looking at a positive pregnancy test.  You couldn't believe it, you took maybe three tests.  All positive, you and your boyfriend Dally were only 18 years old.  You heard Dally call you from down stairs.  You walked down and looked at him.

"What's up Dal?" You ask him he walks up to you and puts an arm on your shoulder and hands you a cigarette.  You almost take it, then you remember what the test had said. "No thanks, I'm good." You refuse.

"I was just wondering if you wanna go down to the Dingo and get some drinks." He said.  You shook your head and remembered the tests were still in the bathroom.  You look up and kind of freak out. "Are you okay Y/N?  You seem a little I don't know 'off' today." He adds.

"What?  Oh no, I'm fine Dal.  Hey wanna go to the movies?" You ask, quickly changing the subject.  He nods and you start heading out the door.

"Hey wait, I gotta take a whizz." He said.  You watched him walk up the stairs and you sat at the bar. "Y/N!" He shouts.  You try to sneak out, and hear stomping from the stairs.  You look up at him with a blank face.

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