For Nina

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Nina's P.O.V.

I woke up in my queen sized bed.  Yeah, I'm a soc, it has it's perks.  But, I don't love being a soc.  Greasers will always think we're awful and that we all jump people, not true.

Anyway, I put on my blue collard dress and a white sweater over it.  I smiled at myself in the mirror.  I put my brown curly hair in a high ponytail.  I walked down stairs to see my brother, Randy, at the table.

"Hi Nina." He said once he saw me.  I waved back and looked at the bottle in his hand and kind of glared at him. "What?  What did I do?"

I rolled my eyes. "Randy you told mom and dad you would stop drinking.  You always go back on your word and it's SO annoying." I sighed.  He shrugged.

I went out to my car, it's a corvair, and drove down to the DX to get some gas.  When I parked I walked in and saw that no one was here.  I walked to the counter and rang the bell.  Nobody came.  I rang it a few more times and a guy with grease all over his face came in.

"Hi what can I do for you?" He asked.  I looked at him a little more closely and to be honest, he wasn't that bad looking. "Um, hello."

"Sorry.  I just need some gas for my car." I said,  He nodded and told me how much it costs. "Thanks."

"Yeah whatever." He said.

I stopped in my tracks and turned around. "Excuse me?" I said a little offended.

"Oh nothing.  I just said you're welcome, in my way.  You know.  Or would you like a proper one because you're a soc." He said.  I scoffed. "Well, I'm sorry princess."

I crossed my arms and saw him with a smirk on his face. "Look, I'm not like other socs.  I don't drink and I don't jump people.  And I definantly don't try to get into trouble with greasers." I explained to him.  He looked a little suprised. "What?  None of the greaser girls ever said that to you?" I said with the same attitude he gave me.

"Wow.  I never thought a soc girl would say that to me, usually they just their boyfriends to get back at me." He chuckled.

I smiled. "Well, I think the girls who do that are really stupid to get someone to solve their problems.  That and I don't have a boyfriend."

His eyes widened. "You don't have a boyfriend?  How is that even possible?" He asked.

"I don't really go for soc guys.  And greaser guys instantly think I'm an awful person." I sain looking down at my shoes.

"Well, I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but, I think you seem like a pretty great girl." I heard him compliment.

"Thank you... I'm sorry I don't know your name."

"I'm Steve.  What's your name?" Steve asked me.

"I'm Nina.  It's nice to meet you." I smiled putting my hand out and he shook it.

After that moment, Steve and I became really close.  I didn't think I could have so much fun talking to a greaser.  Randy always told me how awful they are since one of them killed his friend, Bob.  But, Steve told me that they aren't all the same.  We were really close after today.  Now we have a date next week!



This imagine is for @UnicornXxCrew.  I hope you liked it!  I really tried hard.  Please give me feed back.  If you want an imagine, please either comment on any of my other imagines or inbox me.  If you need to know the info I need, please go to my "Personal Imagines?" chapter.  Stay Gold.


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