For Sophie

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Sophie's P.O.V.

Me and my best friend since like ever are walking to the Nightly Double.  I was planning on just having a lazy day, but Ponyboy wasn't having it.  So, I pretty much have on a baggy t-shirt and leggings.  My pink hair is in a messy bun and I'm wearing sneakers.  So, yeah, I look like a mess.

"So, what do you wanna watch?" Pony asked as we stood outside the fence.

"Well, I was going to watch movies at my house but I was kidnapped by you." I giggled.

He nodded. "I didn't want my friend to be at her house all day long.  That and I kinda didn't wanna ask Dal to go.  Remember what happened last time?" He said leaning on the fence.

I rolled my eyes at the thought of last week. "How could I forget?  THE Dallas Winston tried to hit on, yet another soc, and fell out of his chair.  If anything he was about to get hit." I sighed.

"Yep, so, you wanna watch a movie?" He asked backing up to the hole and going through. "C'mon please."

"I thought you like going to the movies alone." I said trying to get through on my own.  And of course Pony helped me.

We walked to the chairs near the consesion stand. We got some Cokes and popcorn.

I guess we were watching a scary movie.  And it got cold.  I was getting goose bumps, not just from the weather.  Just as a scary part was coming up and-

"BOO!" Pony shouted grabbing my waist making me throw my popcorn and scream.  I turned to see him laughing his head off.

"Th-That's not f-funny, P-Ponyboy." I stuttered shivering.  My face felt hot.

His face softened. "I'm sorry Sophie.  Here." He said taking his hoodie off.  I shook my head.  He put it over my shoulders not taking no for an answer.

"Thank you." I sighed feeling much warmer.  He nodded putting his arm around me.

I started feeling sleepy after a while.

Pony's P.O.V.

The movie was almost over.  I looked down to see Sophie sleeping.  I cuckled a little bit.

I lifted her up and walked out the exit.  I walked back to my house since it was closer.  I put her on me and Soda's bed because Soda and Darry were at work.

After a while she finally woke up.  I've been debating if I should tell her how I really feel.  Well, they worst she can do is say no, right?

"Hi Ponyboy." She yawned.  Her green eyes were just so pretty.  Now I know what you're thinking, I thought you hate people with green eyes.  Well, not all people with green eyes are bad.

I smiled. "Hey sleepy head."

She scoffed. "Whatever." She added in a giggle.

"Um, Sophie, can I tell you something?" I asked her feeling my heart pound out of my chest.

"Of course, you can tell me anything.  We're best friends." She said putting her feet on the ground.

"Well, I like you." I said.

She nodded. "Okay, I like you too Pony.  Like I said we're friends."

I sighed in frustration. "No, I mean I like you more than a friend.  I have for a while.  The truth is I asked you to the movies because I want you to be my girl." I said letting it all out.

She smiled. "Really?" She asked.  I nodded. "That's great because, I like you more than a friend too." She said shyly.

We got closer and ended up kissing on the lips.  FINALLY Sophie is my girlfriend!



This imagine is for @love_sophie.  I hope you like it.  I don't know if this is how you wanted it to turn out.  Please give me feed back!  Stay Gold.


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