For Zara (Dallas)

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Zara's POV

Darry is going to kill me... I mean it.  Kill me.  I mean, I'm usually gone for a few hours or a day, but today, don't even get me started.  I tried to creep into the house, not like they would notice anyway, we leave the door open all the time.

"Zara?" I heard a familiar voice ask.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, it's me, Darry."

I felt his arms wrap around me, almost suffocating me. "Where have you been?" He asked into my hair.

"I'm fine, I was with Dally-"

"For three days?" His voice was stern and rising in volume.

"Let's just go to bed, Darry.  Yell at me tomorrow, I'm tired." I began to walk over towards me and Ponyboy's room.

"No, Zara, we are going to talk about this now."

"No, Darry, I'm tired and we can talk about this later."

I walked off to my room and, attempted, to quietly get into the bed with Ponyboy. He didn't seem to notice, poor kid hasn't had a good night's sleep in forever.

I was women up no a knock on our window. I turned over to see Ponyboy still sleeping. So, I dragged myself out of bed and to the window to see Dally standing there with a smug look on his face.

"What are you doing here?" I whispered once I opened the window.

"Just came to visit," he answered, leaning in to kiss my cheek.

"Well, it's nice to see you to," I smiled. Then I had a sudden realization. "You gotta get outta here, Dally. I don't know if Darry's still up or not and I really don't want to see him kill you."

Dallas shook his head. "No, babe. It's fine. He won't do anything to me."

I sighed. "Please, I'll meet up with you tomorrow at Buck's."


I nodded. "Promise."

I waited for him to go, but he stayed right where he was.

"Well," he began, "don't I get a goodnight kiss?"

I rolled my eyes, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek and closing the window.

When I got back into the bed with Ponyboy I noticed he was awake.

"What are you doing up?" I asked.

"Why do you keep seein' Dally?"

I was shocked by his question. "Because I want to be? Why are you asking?"

He yawned, "You know Darry don't like him too much, Zara. I just don't want to see Darry yell at you is all."

I kissed his forehead. "Darry doesn't scare me one bit, Pony. And just because Darry doesn't like him does not mean that I won't see Dallas."



When I woke up, Ponyboy was gone, I guess he went to school. So if he's at school then Darry's at work.

I smiled to myself as I got dressed in some jeans and a sweater. Dally didn't really care how I looked, so I just put on less makeup than I usually would. As I walked out, a figure on the couch stopped me.

"Where do you think you're going?" It was Darry.

"To see my boyfriend." I answered shortly.

I heard him stand from the couch.

"You gotta stop seein' him, Zara. You're a good kid and Dally ain't good enough for you."

I crossed my arms and turned to face him. "And who are you to tell me what to do and who to see?"

He looked upset now, but it didn't stop me.

"You can't keep telling what to do, Daryl. If I want to see him, then I'm gonna see him. I don't care what you say, but he cares about me and he protects me."

When he didn't answer, I walked out of the house and all the way to Buck's where I was met with the only person I had the patience for at the moment.

"Hey, Dal."

"You miss me?" He asked.

I nodded into his chest. "A lot."

This is for you, @july419! Hope you like it. You're SOOPER nice and stuff lol. Stay Gold.

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