For Directioners

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So, I found out today in class that Zayn Malik will no longer be a part of One Directioin. What made me even more upset was that most of my friends didn't care at all they said things like "Good", "Now the fanfictions can stop" or even the simple, yet hurtful statement: "I don't care".

This absolutely crushed me, I was distracted all day, I couldn't focus. I'm on the verge of tears. I wasn't ready for this to happen. Five years and he's gone and wants to live a normal life.

I respect what he's doing because he's putting himself first. He wants to get away. I'm not going to lie though, I wish he hadn't left. Everytime I get into a band and want to see a concert, they always loose a member. The sad thing is that no one saw it coming, we all thought he was happy.

I don't know if he's gone for good, or if he just needs a break. That's the thing that's been on my mind. When I found out, I felt like my heart stopped, I had to take it all in.

But, yeah I just wanted to say that. Bye.

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