For Cailin

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Cailin's P.O.V.

I was getting ready for a big volleyball game.  I was so pumped out and then-

"Cailin Winston, please report to the principal's office.  Cailin Winston, please report to the principal's office." I heard my vice principal, Ms. Ruiz.

I rolled my eyes and walked out of the gym.  I grabbed my back pack and put my knee pads on my ankles.  I walked over to the office and there I saw my principal on the phone.

"You wanted to see me?" I said trying to hide the annoyance in my voice.

"Yes I did.  There is someone on the phone for you." She said handing it to me.

I took it out of her hands. "Hello?"

-Phone Convo-

Dally: Hey!  Baby sis.

Cailin: I don't have any money for bail.

Dally: What?  Pft, what makes you think I need bail?

Cailin: That's the only reason you call me!  That's why I live with the Curtis brothers!

Dally: Cailin, you know it's the best for you.  That's all I want for you.

Cailin: Whatever.  I don't have the money Dallas.  I'm sorry though. *Hangs up*

-End of Convo-

I walked out of the office and started practicing with my team mates.  I wasn't as pumped as I was before, but at least I have the anger for the game.

I finally finished the game, 25-13.  And I tried to avoid human conversation.  I felt someone tap my shoulder.

"Hey babe." I heard Pony from behind me.  I sighed, hoping he wouldn't notice how royaly pissed off I am.

"Hey Pony." I smiled turning around.

His smile fell a bit. "Are you okay?  You shouldn't be upset.  You just won the last volley ball game of the season." He said excitedly.

I groaned. "I know, and I'm happy.  It's just that Dally is in jail again, and I don't have money to help him and it makes me feel bad and-" He cut me off.

"Okay, Cailin, breath." He said shaking my shoulders.  I did so. "Okay, now let's forgett about Dal and we can ask Darry and Soda to help out."

I shook my head. "Pony, I can't let you guys do that.  I always help him out and he's my brother." I said as we walked outside to walk back to Pony's house.

"Well, how about we go to Dairy Queen and visit Dally later.  Sound okay?" He asked.  I shook my head. "Are you sure?" He asked.

"Ugh, okay, fine." I smiled.  He smiled and he started walking. "Wait!  You're gonna make me walk?  Nooooo!" I complained.

He turned around and came back squatting in front of me.  I gladly jumped onto his back and kissed his cheek.

"You are so lucky I love you." He said walking with me on his back.

"Awww, I love you too Ponyboy." I giggled.



Hey, I finally updated @wishIhadHarryStyles.  Sorry, I've been having a crisis and this is proably gonna need the help of "Directioners".

I may or may not have been fangirling over One Direction.  I admit they are HOTNESS!!!  So, I repeat I may or may not need the help of Directioners.  Stay Gold.


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