You're Pregnant and He's Over Protective

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You were sitting on the couch with Pony watching a movie he thought you would like.  His hand was on your ever growing stomach on top of yours.  A scary scene in the movie came and you jumped scaring Ponyboy.

"Are you okay Y/N?  Do I need to call hospital?" He asked.  You furrowed your eyebrows and shook your head.

"I'm fine.  I was just suprised.  And calm down, the baby isn't due for another two months." You said looking back at the TV.  He sighed and sat next to you feeling the baby kick. "See, even she wants you to calm down." You smiled.

He chuckled. "Yeah, yeah." He kissed your forehead. "My two girls."


You and Johnny were at home cleaning up before the baby arrived.  As you were cleaning you felt your leg cramp up making Johnny forget about what he was doing and rush to your side.

"Are you alright?  Is the baby coming?" He asked.

You smiled and shook your head. "No Johnnycakes.  I'm okay.  Just go back to what you're doing." You said rubbing his arms.

He walked you to the couch and sat you down. "Y/N, I know you love a clean house and you like things your way.  But, you can't walk around and do the same things right now." He explained.  You groaned and crossed your arms over your chest. "I got this." He whispered against your hair before kissing you there.


You were pregnant with your second child.  Now you and Dally are married and he is way more concerned than when you were pregnant with James, your first kid.  James is now 6 years old.  You were laying in bed when James walks in.

"Hey sweet heart.  What are you up to?" You asked him as he walked up to you with his toy car in hand and his plaid pajamas.

"Can I play with the baby?" He asked holding his car up.  Usually when Dal was home he would be scared that James would hurt youn or the baby.

You sat up and looked around. "Dallas?" You called out.  You smiled at your son and he returned it.  You tousled his brown hair and followed him to his bed room.  You sat against his bed as he would roll the cars over your bump.

"Is the baby having fun with me mommy?" He asked.  You smiled and nodded as he rolled his car over your stomach again making the baby kick.

You didn't hear Dal walk in, but when he saw James and picked him up.  You struggled to stand up on your own.

"Jimmy, how many times have I told you not to do that?" Dallas asked in a stern voice.  You rolled your eyes when you finally got up and walked to your boys.

You sighed. "Dallas, I've told you it's fine.  The baby is okay.  It's just his way of interacting with the baby." You told him.

Dally groaned and put his hands on either side of your stomach. "I'm sorry, I just get scared." He admitted.  You kissed his cheek and James squeezed in between you guys.


You and Soda were at home, it was snowing outside when you realized you left your purse in the car.  You look over to see Soda sleeping and think this is the perfect time to sneak and get it.  You put on your boots and Soda's jacket.

You came back with snow on you and saw that your husband was no longer on the couch.  You sighed and rolled your eyes at how paranoid he is.  As you take off his coat you hear his footsteps stop.

"Y/N, you're okay!" He says hugging you being careful of your bump.  You smile and hug him back.

You chuckled lightly. "Yes.  I'm fine Soda.  I just went to get my purse out of the car before the storm got worse." You explained to him.

You saw his tearstained face and touched his cheek. "Never do that to me again.  I thought something happened to you both.  I need both of you.  Please don't scare me like that." He cried.  I hugged him and rubbed his back.


Darry barely lets you get up from a seat on your own.  You were doing the same thing you do everytime Darry and Soda go to work and Pony's at school.  You were trying to organize things for him.  You were folding the last of the clean clothes and put them in the basket.  As you stood up you heard the door open and Darry was quickly to your side.

He took the basket from you and sat you down. "What the hell were you doing?"

"Darry, you won't let me do anything.  I feel useless.  I just want to help, why can't I just help out?" You cried.  He put his arm around you.

He sighed. "You are helping," He says.  You look up and wipe your eyes. "Yep, you help Pony with his homework and you make me coffee.  You even stay positive just for us."

You sniffed and shook your head. "You're so corny." You smiled.


Steve was sleeping in bed.  You slowly moved and stood up, trying not to wake him.  But to no avail.

"Are you okay baby girl?" You hear Steve's groggy sleepy voice.  You nod and he gets up to.

"No, no Steve go back to bed.  I'll make us some breakfast and we can eat up here." You offered rubbing your bump, desperate to help with something.

He stood up and kissed your forehead laying you down. "No I got it." He reassured.  He left before you could say anything else.

He brought you the tray of food.  The smell of eggs made your stomach churn.  You moved the tray and waddled to the bathroom as fast as you could and threw up in the toilet.

"Sorry honey I forgot about eggs." He said wrapping his arms around you.   You shrugged and let the day go on.


You and Two went to see your 13 year old son play basketball.  Two-Bit was worried about letting you go with him but you had your ways.

You guys were walking up the bleachers and the higher you got the more anxious your husband got.

"Okay we're high enough, baby.  Let's sit you down." He said gesturing to the seat.

"Two-Bit, we're only five rows up.  It's not like the baby is gonna pop out if I get higher." You said sarcasticaly.  He nodded and sighed.  You could tell he had his hands out just to be safe. "Oh my god, this is going to be a long game." You whispered to yourself.

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